CEF (Pty) Ltd incorp. EDC and NEEA Chairperson - A Mjekula CEO - M Damane 100% SFF ASSOCIATION Chairperson – A Mjekula CEO – M Damane 100% Petroleum Agency SA Chairperson – A Mjekula CEO – M Xiphu 100% iGAS Chairperson – M Damane COO – M de Pontes 100% PETROSA Chairperson – P Molefe CEO – S Mkhize 100% OPCSA Chairperson – M Damane CEO – P Coetzee Central Energy Fund CEF GROUP STRUCTURE 49% Bannietor Mining 30% Süd-Chemie Zeolites 100% SANERI CEO –K Nassiep Chairperson – M Damane
CEF GROUP RESULTS 2005/6 (R’m ) CEFPETROSAPASAOPCSAIGASSANERISFFAssociatesTOTAL2004/5 Gross revenue-7, ,689.76,533.2 Cost of sales-(4,436.0)-(1.0)--(0.4)-(4,437.4)(3,775.5) Gross Profit-3, ,252.32,757.7 Interest received Finance costs(133.1)(57.2)--(16.9)---(207.2)(91.5) Other income Operating expenses(68.7)(1,015.8)(35.4)(16.4)(5.5)(0.4)(72.3)-( )( ) Operating Profit Associate income Profit before tax Tax (4.0) 2, ,854.3 (89.0) (6.5) - (6.5) - (22.4) - (22.4) (0.1) , ,989.5 (92.9) 2, ,072.2 (124.0) Profit after tax4.82, (6.5)(22.4) ,896.61,948.2 Consolidation entries (68.4) Total13.12,814.2(24.7)(3.0)(3.7) ,907.71,948.2
CEF GROUP – 2005/6 RESULTS (contd) CEF Funded iGas Rompco investment LSF: - Significant progress on technologies -Project delay due to prospecting permit delays Biofuels Johanna Solar Solar Water Heaters – Test Rig Incorporation of SANERI
PETROSA Positive impact on revenues due to high crude prices Continued focus on cost containment Brass exploration Organisational restructuring Capex focus on South Coast Gas Project (R171 million) and Nigerian Operations (R149 million) R500m Dividend PetroSA USA Low Temperature Fischer Tropsch (LTFT GTL) WPC
IGAS 25% Stake in Rompco Significant progress on Coega LNG Power Plant
PASA Continued focus on role as Designated Agency Del Cano Rise Survey undertaken by South African and French Geo Scientists – Continental Shelf Claim Project
SFF Significant increase in demand for storage at Saldanha Once-off sale of Crude from Ogies Insufficient cash to increase stocks to required 14,5 m bbls
OPCSA Increased activity in Saldanha Bay due to increased demand for storage Significant progress in plans to extend activities to all South African Harbours
DORMANT COMPANIES In liquidation: -Mosshold -Soekor E & P Being deregistered -Enerkom -Enerkom Products Other entities required for business
CEF – THE FUTURE Low Smoke Fuels Biofuels Darling Wind Farm Johanna Solar Biomass/Landfill Gas Gellification of Paraffin Solar Water Heaters CDM Energy Efficiency
PETROSA – THE FUTURE South Coast Gas GTL Commercialisation using LTFT E & P New Refinery – Oil and/or CTL in Mpumalanga Feedstock > 2012 New Fuel Specifications Downstream Opportunities
iGAS – THE FUTURE Rompco Expansion Coega LNG Regasification Plant to supply Eskom Power Station Coal Bed Methane
SFF – THE FUTURE Obtain finality on strategic stock policy and implement Mineral rights/prospecting permits Environmental liability at Ogies
OPCSA - THE FUTURE To be the recognised Oil Spill Response Company in South Africa To expand the market share to 60% in short term and 80% in medium term NPA and SAMSA Manage SFF environmental liabilities at Ogies Establish a presence in Sub Sahara Africa To enter into agreements with Middle East oil producing countries whereby OPCSA will perform all pollution prevention and control services on their behalf in the long- term Form international alliances with other players in the field
SANERI – THE FUTURE Ensure long term health of energy research capacity in the country and assist in stimulating a culture of innovation in the energy research environment Support the 3 pillars of the National R&D Strategy (2002) - Enhanced innovation, including mastering technological development -Human resource development and transformation -Governance Address deficiencies in current race, gender and age profile of postgraduate students, academia and scientists Stimulate socio-economic upliftment through improved access to modern, clean and affordable energy services Support economic growth through development of flagship projects that will ultimately result in commercial rollout
SANERI – THE FUTURE Energy R&D Agenda Support project development in areas that promote sustainable development of our energy resources Human Capital Development and Transformation Establish Chairs of Energy Research e.g. Liquid fuels optimisation, household energy provision, biofuels Establish Renewable Energy & Sustainable Energy Hub Established at University of Stellenbosch Cooperative Energy R&D Activities Strategic alliances with established research institutes Governance Coordinate national energy research programmes that are aligned to national objectives