Open Space, Trails, and Greenways Planning Study Pleasant Valley Recreation and Park District March 28, 2013
PVRPD and SMMC Service Areas
OSTGP Study Area
Identify regional public open spaces Protect natural habitat and wildlife corridors Increase public trailheads and access Connect communities through a system of bike paths and hiking trails Purpose of OSTGPS
Lack of Access to Public Park and Recreation Resources The Lack of Linkages and Seamless Delivery of Recreation Opportunities The Need to Protect and Manage Natural Resource Values The Need to Preserve and Protect Californian’s Cultural Heritage Lack of Sufficient Financing for Parks and Recreation Need for Increasing the Status of Parks and Recreation The Need for Statewide Leadership in Parks and Outdoor Recreation The Need for Workforce Development and Succession Planning OS Planning Issues
Calleguas Municipal Water District Camrosa Water District California State University, Channel Islands Conejo Open Space Conservation Agency Mountains Recreation and Conservation Authority Santa Mountains National Recreation Area Public Land Managers in SA
SMM Land Protection Plan (NPS) SMMC – Trail Maps, guiding SMMC, MRCA, NPS, US Forest Service, Cal State Parks, counties of Ventura, LA, and OS & Rec Districts City of Camarillo GP Rec Element: trails along waterways and ridgelines recommended, including Calleguas and Conejo creeks Current Plans within SA
NPS: get involved in Trail Management Plan, Juan Bautista de Anza trail planning, consider connections to Camarillo Grove Park, NPS interested in land deals in study area SMMC/MCRA: interested in partnering to forward OS and trail projects COSCA: partner with non-profits, including SRV Trails, COSF, and SMM Trails Council City Com Dev: Coordinate with VCWPD on DR Horton and Conejo Creek SP projects, connection to CSUCI Stakeholder Input
OS Geography and Ownership
Other Public Ownership
Biological, cultural and hydrological resources Location in relation to existing or proposed trails, and trailhead locations Accessibility from bike trails or roadways Ownership: public or private Parcel Ranking System
Consolidated Ranking
Convenient access to transit or shuttle stops An outdoor recreation access route Automobile and bus parking, including parking spaces reserved for persons with disabilities Bicycle parking (racks or lockers) to facilitate alternative means of transportation to park areas Wayfinding kiosks, with orientation and interpretive information Accessible trail signs with information regarding trail conditions and degrees of difficulty Drinking water Restrooms Scenic viewpoints or overlooks Places to sit or picnic Equestrian facilities (Mounting ramps to provide a greater degree of independent use for riders with mobility disabilities, or adequate space for the use of portable ramps and mounting blocks.) Staging or gathering spaces Wayside or interpretive signs Trash and recycling containers Linkages: Trails and Access
Hiking/Biking Trails/Trailheads
1.Coordinate with NPS, COSCA, SMMC/MRCA and Ventura County to secure access easements and/or purchase of land where feasible; collaborate with these agencies on grant applications and management of open space areas and overall trail and open space planning to ensure coordination and connectivity. 2.Coordinate with CSUCI to secure shared use of trails and parking agreements to facilitate trailhead parking and trail connectivity during the summer months and on the weekends when campus parking isn’t in high demand. 3.Consider trail connections from CSUCI and from the Camarillo Regional Park into the NPS boundary. The analysis from the ranking methodology, determined that most of the existing hiking trails are located on the CSUCI property north of the campus and along the eastern border of the study area. Park trail linkages are needed across the study area to connect these existing trails. Recommendations
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