Advantages of CALL
Some Advantages of CALL 1)CALL can adapt to the learners' abilities and preferences. CALL can adapt to the learner’s self- paced learning. CALL can be used for remedial work for slow learners and to accelerate learning for fast learners. 2)CALL offers individualized and private learning. 3)CALL allows learners to control their own learning process and progress. 4)CALL provides strong motivation for learning. Students will often do on a computer what they are reluctant to do in a textbook or paper-pencil. 5)Some CALL features such as graphics, sounds, animation, video, audio are interesting and motivating for many learners.
Some Advantages of CALL 6)CALL can improve learners’ attitudes towards learning English. 7)CALL (internet) provides authentic communication that motivates students to use language outside language classroom. 8)CALL is a neutral medium. Compared to teachers, computers do not lose patience, get angry, or play favourites as some teachers do. This creates a safe learning environment. 9)Integration of a variety of multimedia such as texts, graphics, sound, animation, and video, allowing for creating authentic meaningful language learning environments. 10)CALL (the internet) has no limitations regarding different time zones and places.
Word Processing
Using a computer to create, edit, and print documents. Of all computer applications, word processing is the most common. To perform word processing, you need a computer, a special program called a word processor, and a printer. A word processor enables you to create a document, store it electronically on a disk, display it on a screen, modify it by entering commands and characters from the keyboard, and print it on a printer.
Word Processing Most computers are now sold with some version of word processing already installed and such programs are widely used in the composition process. Within such word processing packages, spelling and grammar checkers are standard tools.
Software Types
Advantages of Word Processor 1- A word processing program does not require highly advanced hardware. This means that even if the computers available are not very powerful we can install the program.
Advantages of Word Processor rewritinginsertingdeleting 2- The facilities of rewriting, inserting and deleting text offered by a word processor give the students more freedom and lack of pressure. They are not afraid to write fluently because they know it is not permanent and therefore, it helps the learning process, especially of those students who lack of confidence.
Advantages of Word Processor 3- Any materials you create with a word processor can be copied into messages, discussion lists, blogs and wikis and made available to a wider audience via the Internet.
Advantages of Word Processor 4-It provides Spellchecker and Grammar-checker.
Grammar & Spelling Checkers A spellchecker A spellchecker is an electronic dictionary that scans the text entered by the user and highlights any word that it doesn’t recognize. correctignoreadd any highlighted word to the dictionary The user is given the option to correct, ignore, or add any highlighted word to the dictionary.
Grammar & Spelling Checkers Spellchecker can be set to accommodate different varieties of a language, e.g. British or American English, and many other languages. Grammar checker and spell checker have to be treated with considerable caution, as they are designed to be used by native speakers and they therefore assume reasonable level of competence in the target language.
Limitations of Word Processing 1)Using spelling and grammar checkers do not guarantee to write the correct spelling and form. For example, learners frequently misspell a word then choose first correction offered, without considering whether it is appropriate or not. 2) Word-processing programs do not record misspellings and give no feedback to learners interested in reviewing their errors. 3)Spelling checker programs allow learners to add new words to standard dictionaries and sometimes these words are simply misspellings.
Language work Brand:………………………………. Operating system:…………………………………. Browser:………………………………………… Icons…………………………………………… Install……………………………………… Launch…………………………………. Cursor……………………………………….. Click…………………………………………… Highlight………………………………………………..
Language work resize:………………………………. Cut & paste:…………………………………. arrange:………………………………………… open…………………………………………… document……………………………………… New window…………………………………. save……………………………………….
Use of WP in learning English 1- Matching Exercises. 2- Unscrambled sentences – letters.
Match each word on the left with a suitable example on the right with same color. Adobe PhotoshopWord processor Internet ExplorerSpread sheet Microsoft wordVirus protection Microsoft ExcelBrowser Microsoft PowerPointImage editor Norton AntivirusMedia player Outlook Express software Adobe PageMakerPresentation software RealPlayerGraphic design software
Unscrambled the following words. at – go – I – to – p.m. usually – bed – 8:30 Computer – learning – in – we – using – are- teaching – and – English.