So does UD in the Learning Environment! Universal Design for Physical Environment benefits ALL !
Multiple formats of information Technology to access, engage with and communicate information UNIVERSAL DESIGN FOR LEARNING INCLUDES PROVISION OF:
Alternative Format Centre facilitates ACCESS FOR SUCCESS by providing ALTERNATIVE FORMATS of information and training in the use of ASSISTIVE TECHNOLOGY Disability Resource Service’s
Conversion of print/scan into Electronic screen readable format ALTERNATE FORMATS - 1
Diagrams into tactile format with English and Braille labels ALTERNATE FORMATS - 2
Transcription of recorded audio files into digital text & vice versa ALTERNATE FORMATS - 3
Captioning of video files, provision of transcripts ALTERNATE FORMATS - 4
Sourcing electronic copies from publishers ALTERNATE FORMATS - 5
Includes word processing & printing ADDITIONAL SUPPORT - 6
1. Hands on training is provided Screen Reader Screen Magnifier Voice Recognition Spelling & Grammar Checker Mind Mapper Ipad Apps Digital Note-taking Microsoft Accessibility Tools Google Tools ASSISTIVE TECHNOLOGY to access and create information
JAWS reads out content on the computer screen ACCESS - 2 Text to Speech Software for the Blind
MAGic enlarges content on computer screen ACCESS - 3 Screen Magnification for Low Vision
ZoomText enlarges and reads content on computer screen ACCESS - 4 Screen Magnification with Screen Reading
Arkenstone Open Book scans & reads text aloud ACCESS - 5 Optical Character Recognition
Boosts reading, writing and research skills ACCESS - 6 textHelp Literacy Support Software
SmartView CCTV for reading printed material ACCESS - 7 Text Magnification
8. Dragon NaturallySpeaking transcribes speech into digital text ACCESS - 8 Hands Free Computer Use
Concept mapping software ACCESS - 9 Visual Learning
Ginger writing tools for writing English quickly and accurately ACCESS - 10 Writing Support
Free and Open Source Assistive Technology Screen Readers: - Natural Reader - NVDA - Thunder - Balabolka Daisy Book Reader - AMIS Multiple Study Support - MyStudyBar
For more information: Contact Samuel Maddimadugula Alt Format Centre/Asst Tech Coordinator Disability Resource Service Room 312, Puaka-James Hight (Central Library) New Zealand, Tel: ext shtml