Towards Employment Security in Cambodia Phnom Penh, 2 November 2011 World Café.


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Presentation transcript:

Towards Employment Security in Cambodia Phnom Penh, 2 November 2011 World Café

Objective of today’s work group O To assess the employment situation in Cambodia in comparison to the 4 objectives O To share data, ideas and recommendations CREATION OF GOOD ENTERPRISES THAT GENERATE SUSTAINABLE EMPLOYMENT Enabling environment for sustainable enterprises FINDING JOBS & FINDING EMPLOYEES Enabling environment for job placement & recruitment of employees WORKING ENOUGH AND WITH SUFFICIENT INCOME Income security while working BEING EDUCATED, TRAINED DURING ALL LIFE Accessing training and skills development

How ? The World Café O 4 groups O 4 cafés corresponding to the 4 objectives O Each group spends 30mins in each café and then moves to the next one CREATION OF GOOD ENTERPRISES THAT GENERATE SUSTAINABLE EMPLOYMENT FINDING JOBS & FINDING EMPLOYEES WORKING ENOUGH AND WITH SUFFICIENT INCOME BEING EDUCATED, TRAINED DURING ALL LIFE ❷ ❶ ❸ ❹

How ? The World Café

What ? Subjects of discussions in each café O What are the existing provisions to ensure the objective ? O Existing schemes O Strategy of the government O What are the gaps ? O Which recommendations would you make to reach the objective? O What are the existing indicators that measure the situation ? → Complete the employment matrix

What ? Complete the employment matrix ObjectiveIndicatorsExisting provisions Gaps and issues Enabling environment for sustainable enterprises Description of situation & evolution Access to services Systems/schemes Policies Enabling environment for job placement & recruitment of employees Income security while working Accessing training and skills development

ObjectiveIndicatorsExisting provisions Gaps and issues Enabling environment for sustainable enterprises Description of situation & evolution Number of registered enterprises (code of commerce…) Number of vulnerable enterprises (family, sub-contracting, …) Access to services: Availability of credit and other services for enterprises, Coverage (geographic, sectors) Policies Tax exemption, subsidies for creation of enterprises, … Systems/schemes Structures to support Enterprise creation and development (chamber of commerce, maison de l’entrepreneur, etc.) Employers’ counselling and network for corporate management and good governance Enabling environment for job placement & recruitment of employees Description of situation & evolution Labour demand and supply: (1)Employment-to-population ratio ; (2)Proportion of own-account and contributing family workers (as a proxy for informal employment); (3)Unemployment rate Labour & supply shortages Access to services availability & efficiency of job placements services (number of vacancies & placements, number of staff), coverage (geographic, sex, sectors, age, vulnerable groups…) Policies Full employment policy Systems/schemes Labour market information system Institutional structures to support job placement Income security while working Description of situation & evolution Level of minimum wage Underemployment rates Number of working poor Level of enforcement of minimum wage (nb of enterprises?) Access to services Coverage (geographic, sex, skills, sectors…) Policies Existence and enforcement of minimum wage Systems/schemes: Schemes to provide income security while searching a new job Income support for graduated students to search a first job Schemes to provide employment guarantee (PWPs…) Accessing training and skills development Description of situation & evolution: Number of years of compulsory education… Access to services: Basic education (coverage - geographic, sex … - and adequacy) Voc training (coverage - geographic, sex, age, specific vulnerable groups … - and adequacy) Policies Education & skills development policies Systems/schemes Existing structures/programmes for each level of education and training in the public and private sector Public-Private Partnerships among education and vocational training centers.

Who ? The café managers O Sustainable enterprises : O Finding jobs & finding employees : O Income security : O Education and training :

When ? Time management Introduction : what is the world café ? 15 mins World café 30 min x 4 = 2 hours The Coffee Managers report the discussions in their café 30 mins