Career And College By Vanessa Piria
Interior Design Interior designers make interior spaces functional, safe, and beautiful for almost every type of building: offices, homes, airport terminals, shopping malls, and restaurants. They select and specify colors, finishes, fabrics, furniture, flooring and wallcoverings, lighting, and other materials to create useful and stylish interiors for buildings.
What does their work look like? qFEN0o Watch the video and see!
Why do they matter? UJSVc UJSVc
College Colorado State University Maintain a 2.5 GPA or Higher Bachelors In Science of Interior Design Emphasizes On » Space planning » Codes related to life safety » Technology » Creative problem solving » Sustainable design strategies » Global/cultural perspective
Rocky Mountain College of Art and Design Interior Design manual drafting + computer aided design (CAD) space planning interior materials + systems environmental + human behavior lighting design construction documents + contracts business practices senior-year internship
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