Introduction to the RLF Participatory Approach for RLF development The results chain Performance indicators Means of verification Risks and mitigation measures 6 Sub-Modules TRAINING CONTENT 2 RESULTS BASED LOGICAL FRAMEWORK TRAINING Evaluation Test at end of training Multiple choice, open questions and case studies
4 OBJECTIVE: SUB-MODULE 4 At the end of this sub-module, Bank staff are able to: Understand the importance of measuring results through the establishment of objective performance indicators; Understand the linkage between baseline, targets and performance indicators; Develop objectively verifiable indicators across sectors RESULTS BASED LOGICAL FRAMEWORK TRAINING
I. Definition 5 Performance indicators are quantitative or qualitative factors or variables They provide a simple and reliable means to measure and inform the achievement to reflect the changes connected to an intervention They also help to assess the performance of a development entity. RESULTS BASED LOGICAL FRAMEWORK TRAINING
6 Indicators are used for: Providing the basis for monitoring and evaluation. Progress toward the achievement of expected results can be measured at the level of Outputs and Outcomes Demonstrate, through the use of Core Sector Indicators, the Bank's contribution to development. Link the project to the CSP and possibly the Millenium Development Goals. Provide a basis for informed decision-making when changes are required during implementation. RESULTS BASED LOGICAL FRAMEWORK TRAINING
Output indicators: measure the quantity of products and services needed to meet an objective of the results chain – for example: kilometers of road constructed, female staff trained on a specific subject; number of wells constructed Outcome Indicators: The likely or achieved short-term and medium-term effects of an intervention’s outputs – for example – percentage of enrolment of female in secondary schools, increase in head households revenues ($/annum) 7 RESULTS BASED LOGICAL FRAMEWORK TRAINING
Impact indicators: Long-term results that measure the impact or the achievement of the project or programme goal. It indicates the quality and quantity of long-term results generated by the programme. For example - Reduced under five child mortality in country X, Increased school enrollment rates of girls in country X, Proportion of households living below the poverty line reduced in country X. 8 RESULTS BASED LOGICAL FRAMEWORK TRAINING
9 Performance Indicators Indicators Baseline (2010) Target (2015) Outcome: Female headed households with access to safe drinking water in the project area (%) 3050 Outcome: Girls enrolled in college (%)3040 Output: New classrooms built (#)0150 Output: Latrines built for girls (#)025 RESULTS BASED LOGICAL FRAMEWORK TRAINING
10 Quantitative indicators measure changes in numerical terms such as numbers, percentage, frequency, ratio, proportion, etc. Examples : Percentage of girls/boys attending primary schools Unemployment rates of women/men in the rural areas RESULTS BASED LOGICAL FRAMEWORK TRAINING
11 Reflect´s people judgements, opinions, perceptions or attitudes. They can be expressed in terms of satisfaction and perception of change, etc. Examples: More than 80% of residents in the project area are satisfied (average of 3 out of 4) with the new water services (taste, colour, smell). RESULTS BASED LOGICAL FRAMEWORK TRAINING
These ‘indirect’ indicators are used when it is difficult to directly measure a result or change. They are largely symbolic, or approximate of the change to be measured. 12 RESULTS BASED LOGICAL FRAMEWORK TRAINING
13 The sex-disaggregated indicators measure changes related to gender equity. Results Chain IndicatorBaselineTarget Means of verification Risks and mitigation measures People trained in improved hygiene practices. Women trained in improved hygiene practices (#) 0 (2013) 2000 (2015) Quarterly Project Progress Reports Risk: Participants did not participate because of language barriers MM: Provide training in local languages . Men trained in improved hygiene practices (#) 0 (2013) 2000 (2015) RESULTS BASED LOGICAL FRAMEWORK TRAINING
An indicator that helps to measure gender-related changes. IndicatorBaselineTarget Water management committees chaired by women (%) 0 (2014)20 (2019) Female headed households that that have access to potable water in the project area (%) 30 (2014)70 (2019) Male headed households that that have access to potable water in the project area (%) 40 (2014)70 (2019) Time spent by women per week fetching water (hours) 10 (2014)0 (2019) 14 RESULTS BASED LOGICAL FRAMEWORK TRAINING
15 Core Sector Indicators (CSI) are used by the Bank to report to its shareholders and the general public of its contribution to development. CSI measure the direct results of the Bank's interventions, often tangible, quantifiable, and made during the life cycle of the operation. RESULTS BASED LOGICAL FRAMEWORK TRAINING
16 55 sectoral indicators defined in 8 sectors: 1)Water & sanitation. 2)Transport, power and ITC. 3)Agriculture and Agro-industries. 4)Regional integration. 5)Climate change and clean energy. 6)Education, health and social protection. 7)Economic and financial gouvernance. 8)Private sector. RESULTS BASED LOGICAL FRAMEWORK TRAINING
17 TRANSPORT Roads constructed or rehabilitated (km). National citizens employed in the construction, operation and maintenance of the infrastructure project (number per month), of which are female (percentage per month). WATER AND SANTITATION Additional potable water production capacity (m3/day). People educated through hygiene programs that are part of the project intervention (number), of which are female (percentage). RESULTS BASED LOGICAL FRAMEWORK TRAINING
18 AGRICULTURE Land irrigated as a result of the project intervention (hectares) People trained in sustainable agricultural practices resulting from the project intervention (number), of which are female (percentage) REGIONAL INTEGRATION Cross-border roads constructed or rehabilitated (km) New telecommunication networks that serve more than one country as a result of the project intervention (number) RESULTS BASED LOGICAL FRAMEWORK TRAINING
The properties of good indicators can be described in two main ways: SMART – Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic and Time-bound CREAM – Clear, Relevant, Economic, Adequate and Monitorable 19 RESULTS BASED LOGICAL FRAMEWORK TRAINING
Specific: The target referred by the indicator must be precise and unambiguous. The target must identify a single result to be achieved and must relate to one indicator. Measurable: As the indicator, the target must be measurable. Attainable: This criterion refers to the internal capacity of the organization. Does the organization have the human, material, financial and institutional resources to achieve the target? 20 RESULTS BASED LOGICAL FRAMEWORK TRAINING
Realistic: The target must be realistic about the policy objectives pursued. Time-bound: The target must be achieved within a defined period. It is necessary to set a fixed period to achieve the goal: a semester, a year, etc. 21 RESULTS BASED LOGICAL FRAMEWORK TRAINING
Clear: The indicator must be precise, direct and unambiguous concerning what it should measure. Relevant: The indicator should measure something pertinent to monitor the achievement of the objective. Economic: The indicator must be measurable at a reasonable cost. 22 RESULTS BASED LOGICAL FRAMEWORK TRAINING
Adequate: The indicator must adequately represent what needs to be measured. Monitorable: The indicator should be subject to regular and reliable data monitoring: data required to assess progress need to be produced and timely available. The data and methodology used to calculate the indicator can be verified independently. 23 RESULTS BASED LOGICAL FRAMEWORK TRAINING
Baseline data establishes a foundation from which to measure change. Without baseline data, it is very difficult to measure change over time or to monitor and evaluate Baselines and targets are established after identification of the indicators to set the desired level of change. Baseline established through research (Economic and Sector Work) or Feasibility studies (sometimes established retrospectively in the course of project implementation). 24 RESULTS BASED LOGICAL FRAMEWORK TRAINING
25 Targets are set after the baseline is established. Targets normally depend on the programme period and the duration of the interventions and activities. Targets also depend on the budget allocated Both baseline and targets should be clearly aligned with the indicator, using the same unit of measurement. RESULTS BASED LOGICAL FRAMEWORK TRAINING
26 An indicator should focus on measuring what you need to know – not what would be good to know The measure of an indicator should be understandable and clear even if there is a change in personnel/staff Indicators should rely on data that is available at the time when needed and/or can be collected at a cost that is affordable and budgeted The measurability of indicators is as important as the means of their verification RESULTS BASED LOGICAL FRAMEWORK TRAINING
27 Before you select an indicator you need to know : who will use it, when and for what specific purpose An indicator should be directly related to the objective being measured. It is advisable to limit the number of indicators to be monitored and when possible use internationally accepted indicators. Apply the use of proxy indicators in cases when it is difficult to directly measure a result or change. RESULTS BASED LOGICAL FRAMEWORK TRAINING
28 Your one-stop shop to quality assurance and results reporting tools used throughout the project cycle RESULTS BASED LOGICAL FRAMEWORK TRAINING ACCESSIBLE THROUGH THE INTRANET Quality Assurance Assistant