2 Aims of the BalticClimate toolkit To transfer guidance on how to account for CC impacts in relevant decision making processes To our target group(s) ---- in all BSR countries And bring opportunities to non-project partners...
ExposureSensitivity Adaptive capacity Potential impact Vulnerability Risks faced How much a system is stressed Climactic & non climactic stressors External stressors Existance of adaptive measures Capacity of social organisations to implement Internal to community How much the stressors affect the system Vulnerability dissected
ExposureSensitivity Adaptive capacity Potential impact Vulnerability Risks faced How much a system is stressed Climactic & non climactic stressors External stressors Existance of adaptive measures Capacity of social organisations to implement Internal to community How much the stressors affect the system Climate & Socio-ec stressor mapping Analyse Socio- ec sensitivity ID & Ranking adaptive capacity ID key actors & responsibilities Limits of adaptive measures Future society Integration EX Vulnerability dissected & connected to Ex 1-8
Toolkit structure – in development 5 Climate Change Support material Inventory Phase (including Challenges & Chances and Intro to Climate Adaptation : Gävle ex A & B) Vulnerability assessment Capitalisation (incl. Challenges & Chances & SWOT) Implementa tion Cases – provide examples throughout toolkit
English beta version January 2011 Test period: Jan-March Contact: Evelin Urbel-Piirsalu SEI-Tallinn Testing doesn’t take long! 6
Thank you! 7