The Talking Toolkit Elisabeth Simelton and Dam Viet Bac - Contact:
ADAPTATION THE PROJECT Document adaptation strategies in SEA, and understand the role of trees for adapting to extreme events Identify resilient agroforestry systems Policy dialogue and support local government units to mainstream climate change into land use plans Capacity building and participatory facilitation tools 2012 – 2014 in Yen Bai and Ha Tinh + Philippines and Indonesia
villages in 7 communes, Yen Bai & Ha Tinh provinces Village focus groups (n=18) HH survey (n=661) Participatory Land Use Scenarios: 6 pilot villages Cost & Benefits of Adapting versus Not Adapting Land Use Participatory “Climate-Smart” Land Use Plans: 2 pilot communes Dialogues Focus Groups HH Survey Participatory Land Use Scenarios Cost & Benefit Analysis Participatory Land Use Plan APPROACH
MALADAPTATION Disparities in perceptions of what is changing in science – policy - implementation Confusion about climatic exposure – impact on productivity – sensitivity of farming systems MALADAPTATION Source: Simelton et al Climate & Development
ADAPTATION THE TALKING TOOLKIT Is: a collection of tools for facilitating focus group discussions on adaptation with farmers Gives you: local knowledge Can be used for: – diagnostics (cherry pick your tools) – facilitating participatory “climate-smart” land use planning process A living document
Problem tree – Challenges for agricultural livelihoods Village mapping – Risk zones Time line – Major events & Hazards Climate & Farming calendar Exposures – Tree ranking Prevention, Coping & Adaptation strategies Perceptions of climate change
Limits for making a living from agriculture
Problem tree – Challenges for agricultural livelihoods Village mapping – Risk zones Time line – Major events & Hazards Climate & Farming calendar Exposures – Tree ranking Prevention, Coping & Adaptation strategies Perceptions of climate change
Village risk map, history and hazards time line Synthesis of 9 Focus Group Discussion in villages
Problem tree – Challenges for agricultural livelihoods Village mapping – Risk zones Time line – Major events & Hazards Climate & Farming calendar Exposures – Tree ranking Prevention, Coping & Adaptation strategies Perceptions of climate change
Climate calendar Rice 1 st cropRice 2 nd crop PeanutGreen beanSweet potato Maize Cassava Plant timber trees Black pepper Plant fruit trees
Problem tree – Challenges for agricultural livelihoods Village mapping – Risk zones Time line – Major events & Hazards Climate & Farming calendar Exposures – Tree ranking Prevention, Coping & Adaptation strategies Perceptions of climate change
Ranking tree-crop suitability List of trees & crops List of weather events Rank 4 5
Problem tree – Challenges for agricultural livelihoods Village mapping – Risk zones Time line – Major events & Hazards Climate & Farming calendar Exposures – Tree ranking Prevention, Coping & Adaptation strategies Perceptions of climate change
Before eventDuring eventAfter event Drought (hot spell) Plant early/drought resistant varieties. Grow beans directly after peanut harvest before soil dries. Mulch. Shade plants. Irrigate (prioritise rice). Add N if there is water. Add manure & fertiliser. Replant. Change from 130 to 90 days rice varieties. Thin poor plants Cold spell Cover rice seedlings with plastic or rice husk. Add ash, P. Reserve feed Add ash, manure, husk, P. Cover seedlings and young plants. Add manure, ash, P, pesticide. Replant. Grow fodder grass. Heavy rain Plant early to harvest before storm season Plant short-term varieties Prepare to harvest early Use fan to dry seeds. Replant. Put away seeds for replanting. Add fertiliser. Extension advice Flooding, flash flood Harvest early. Thin out leaves. Harvest early. Regulate water. Use short-term varieties to avoid flood season. Plough, lime soils. StormHarvest early. Grow trees with different heights. If NW-winds, spray pesticide if pests are found. Prevention, Coping and Adaptation
Adaptation versus BAU - Strategies
WEBSITE Check it out and comment! vietnam/products/talking-toolkit Contact: ACKNOWLEDGEMENT YEN BAI: DARD, DONRE and People’s Committee Luc Yen HA TINH: Farmers Union, DARD, DONRE and People’s Committee Ky Anh 661 households ICRAF: Le Thi Tam, Delia Catacutan, Rob Fox, Rob Finlayson FUNDING: CGIAR – Forest, Trees and Agroforestry (FTA) and Climate Change and Food Security (CCAFS)
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