Taylor Poteet 4 th Period
Overview The CHIMP (Chimpanzee Health Improvement, Maintenance and Protection Act) was passed in 2000, and allows for the establishment of a sanctuary system for chimpanzees that are “retired” from the biomedical research industry.
To amend the public health service act to improve provisions relating to sanctuary system for surplus chimpanzees.
Introduced in 2000
Sponsored by Senator Tom Harkin
Advances Prohibited euthanasia of chimpanzees except for humane health reasons during an intractable illness: No chimpanzee can be killed simply because they are no longer of “use,” the facility of overpopulated, or they are too costly to maintain. Established a federally funded “retirement” system for chimpanzees no longer needed for research Required that the government take responsibility for at least the partial cost of lifetime care for a former research subject outside of the laboratory setting
Amendment In November 2013, the Chimp Act Amendments of 2013 removed a $30 million spending cap originally appropriated in the 2000 CHIMP Act. (this amendment only applied to chimpanzees in sanctuaries)
There are over 900 chimpanzees in laboratories. Only 10-20% of them are actually being used in active research. The rest are held captive in cramped laboratory cages simply for financial gain.
Sanctuary Aerial Tunnels Outdoor Chimpanzee Habitats Indoor Chimpanzee Habitats Organic Gardens Greenhouse Kitchen/Food Preparation
Citations jpg jpg Tacugama-chimp-from-Sofie-556x417.jpg Tacugama-chimp-from-Sofie-556x417.jpg sanctuaries-for-lab-chimpanzees/ sanctuaries-for-lab-chimpanzees/