The Cold War Abroad
Origins WWII fighting tactics U.S. “dragging their feet” Korea Atomic bomb Division of Germany, Berlin and Korea Postwar goals: USSR buffer zone, Britain and Greece, France and Southeast Asia (Ho Chi Minh)
Iron Curtain Winston Churchill Truman Doctrine = containment –$ to Greece and Turkey to fight communism Marshall Plan = economic rebuilding in Western Europe, but not USSR Threat of atomic bomb Berlin Blockade and Airlift
Growing Tensions NATO USSR tested the atomic bomb U.S. created the hydrogen bomb Nuclear arms race Space race China and Chiang Kai-shek vs. Mao Zedong North Korea invades South Korea UN demands a cease fire
Red Scare Fear of communism spread b/c of the fall of China, Korean War, and USSR having the bomb Truman’s Federal Loyalty Program and the FBI uncovered no spies Senator Joseph McCarthy (R) anticommunist crusader McCarthyism = Big Lie = witch hunt
USSR Responds Warsaw Pact Sputnik Fidel Castro and Cuba
Close Calls U2 spy plane Bay of Pigs Berlin Wall Cuban Missile Crisis Middle Eastern Oil Development of third world countries and the UN CIA actions in South Africa, Iran, and Angola
Close Calls (cont’d) Suez Canal Eisenhower Doctrine-containment in Middle East Israel Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO) Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) Camp David Accords (Carter) Iran Hostage Crisis U.S.S.R. and Afghanistan
Vietnam The French vs. Viet Minh and Ho Chi Minh Truman and Eisenhower aided the French with weapons and $, but they were defeated Geneva Accords (17 th parallel) Domino Theory caused Eisenhower to back the South Vietnamese South Vietnam refused to hold elections
Vietnam (cont’d) Viet Cong (N. Vietnam) U.S. backed S. Vietnam Kennedy sent more advisors to help S. Vietnam Hamlet Project CIA coup to overthrow S. Vietnam leader JFK killed LBJ takes over Gulf of Tonkin Resolution Operation Rolling Thunder
Vietnam (cont’d) The draft and it’s exceptions “Poor man’s fight” Students for a Democratic Society and the Free Speech Movement Nation was divided between “hawks and doves” Tet Offensive Democratic Party split giving Nixon (R) an easy victory in 1968
Vietnam (cont’d) Nixon and Vietnamization Bombing of Laos and Cambodia Draft ends and gives way to a lottery Invading Cambodia to close the Ho Chi Minh trail Kent State Massacre Nixon and China 1972 a peace treaty was agreed upon Saigon falls in 1975
Vietnam beyond the War 58,000 soldiers killed My Lai Massacre Agent Orange Napalm “fragging” Mistreatment of returning veterans The Pentagon Papers Watergate War Powers Act Vietnam syndrome Civil wars Lowered voting age