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Abolitionists Writers of the 1800’s Education in the 1800’s Religious Groups Hodge Podge 10 Points 20 Points 30 Points 40 Points 50 Points 10 Points10 Points10 Points10 Points10 Points 20 Points 30 Points 40 Points 50 Points 30 Points 40 Points 50 Points Helping Others
These people wanted to work within the system to end slavery.
Who are the political abolitionists?
These people wanted to end slavery immediately.
Who are the radical abolitionists?
These former slaves gave speeches about slavery in order to end it.
Who are the black abolitionists?
These people wanted to buy slaves and send all blacks back to Africa.
Who are the colonization abolitionists?
These sisters, daughters of a judge, spoke out against slavery.
Who are Sarah and Angelina Grimke?
Writers of the time were influenced by democratic spirit were called this.
Who are the transcendentalists?
This writer of Moby Dick had a gloomy outlook on life.
Who was Herman Melville?
This writer lived and studied nature at Walden Pond in Concord.
Who was Henry David Thoreau?
This complicated writer is thought of as the creator of the detective story.
Who is Edgar Allen Poe?
This writer also supported the abolitionist movement.
Who is John Greenleaf Whittier ?
This man was a leader in the area of speech and language difficulties.
Who was Thomas Gallaudet?
This man set up a school for the blind in Boston, Massachusetts.
Who is Samuel Howe?
This woman was instrumental in changing conditions for prisoners and the mentally ill.
Who was Dorothea Dix?
This president vetoed a bill to provide help for the mentally ill.
Who was President Pierce?
After the prison reforms of the 1800’s this, not punishment, was the focus.
What is rehabilitation?
This was mostly for rich, white boys.
What is education?
Local governments were willing to give only this, not money, for schools.
What is land?
Name one of the three groups who objected to public tax money funding education.
Who are the rich, those without children and/or religious leaders.
Public education was considered important because these people needed to understand voting issues.
Who are citizens?
These people supported public education because they wanted a chance for a better life.
Who are immigrants?
This man founded the Mormon Church.
Who is Joseph Smith?
He became the leader of the Mormon Church after the death of its founder.
Who is Brigham Young?
This is an ideal community, often removed from the general society.
What is a utopia?
The Mormons continued to migrate westward until they finally settled here.
What is Salt Lake City?
Name two of the many utopian societies of which we read or spoke.
What are: New Harmony; Brook Farm; Amana; Shakers; Quakers.
Self-control in drinking alcoholic beverages.
What is temperance?
Forbidding, by law, of the manufacture, sale and shipping of alcoholic beverages.
What is prohibition?
Reformers worked to improve society and shaped this.
What is American social institutions?
The growth of democracy and this influenced the society and culture of the 1800’s.
What is the spirit of perfection?
This new view of salvation was taught by many churches in the 1800’s.
What is man could be saved by improving himself and the world around him.
Make your wager
These social and cultural changes helped to strengthen this even as slavery was beginning to divide the nation.
What is national unity?