Powering Down Stress and Digital Toxicity: Promoting healthy work-life balance
Americans check their phones an average of 46 times per day. Time Magazine, 2016
Facebook is now cited as the third leading cause for divorce. ar/08/facebook-us-divorces
Screen addict is the new term used to describe people who demonstrate an inability to turn off their smart phones or unplug from Wifi. n.html?pagewanted=all9
Each alert, tweet, or ping is associated with the release of dopamine (a chemical neurotransmitter) associated with euphoria, the feel-good hormone. Dopamine is highly associated with chemical addiction.
People who drive and text show the same amount of distraction and poor reaction time as someone with a 0.08 blood alcohol level (the same demarcation as a drunk driver).
The repeated use of technology makes people less patient and more forgetful.
Tips for navigating the digital age safely: Practice healthy boundaries Turn off smart phones during class, meetings, meals, while driving, and at social events.
Consider making it a habit not to check /text messages/Instagram/YikYak after a certain time during the week. Try to check social media once or twice a day, not hundreds of times throughout the day. Challenge your friends/roommates to put your phones away during meals and actually talk to each other face-to- face.
Opt for in-person communication. When you have the time, walk to someone’s room rather than text them. Avoid multi-tasking errors Keep your mind focused on one thing at a time. Remember that distractions (smart phones, social media) compromise quality work!
Keep smart phones and laptops out of your bed Sociologists have noted a parallel increase of computer/smart phone use and insomnia. Backlit computer screens direct light onto your face and decrease melatonin levels (sleep hormones).
Mindfulness: Maintain a Healthy Meditation Program Technology didn’t create a wandering mind, but it sure does enhance the wandering. Mindfulness/Meditation/Yoga: no matter what kind of meditation is practiced, the purpose is to increase one’s concentration skills which leads to increased awareness.
Watch your manners: Don’t answer a call/text while talking to someone face-to-face. Put your phone in your bag during class. Don’t post inappropriate/disrespectful things on social media. While it is not your job to be the “tech manners police,” you can model polite behavior around others.
What are your suggestions for avoiding techno-stress? Write your comments below: