Schedule of class Concentrate on Background music 9:25-9:30 : Do Tratak- Fixed constant gazing 9:30-9:40 :1. Deep Jyothi 2. Ganesh Slokam 3. Ganesh, Saraswathi, Guru Mantra 9:40-9:45 – Warm up (Om Jumping, Little exercise) 9:45 -10:00 – Asans 1. Vajra Asan}— 2 min 2. Matha Tek } –2 min 3.Sarvanaga Asan (cycle) :00-10:10 – Kirtan 10:10-10:15 – Pranayam – Sit in padmaasana - Bhramari Pranayam -Alulom Vilom Pranayam Brain memory-intellect Pranayam 10:15 -10:25 – Discussion and homework 10:25-10:30 – Questions and Divine Laughter
Home work Routine: Count 20 breathes as soon as you get up in the morning right on your bed everyday. When you breath-in, say "OM" in mind and when you breath-out count 1. Again, when you breath-in say "RAM" and when you breath-out count 2. Repeat this 20 times by taking the name of God, each time you breath-in. This will have remarkable positive affect on you and your day will fly by. Divine laugher in the morning on the bed. Clap your hands repeatedly chanting the name of God, repeatedly for a min. Left your hands up and look towards the sky and laugh loudly. Mathatek (Shask Asana-Procedure1) to your parents in the morning everyday after you get freshen up (brush, bath, etc) in the morning. Brain-Memory-Intellectual Power technique, once in the morning. Vajrasan after eating in the night everyday.
Meditation/ Traatak Focus on the tip of your nose and say “Hari OM…” along with the Background music
Lighting of Deepak Lighting the Deepak with Deep Jyoti Mantra. Everyone sit in Sukhasan with folded hands and chant this Mantra Mantra Deep Jyoti Para Brahm, Deep Jyoti Janardana, Deepo Hartu me Papam, Deep Jyoti Namostute! Shubham Karotu Kalyanam, Aarogyam Sukh Sampadam Shatru Vridhi Vinasham cha, Deep Jyoti Namostute! "I prostrate to the dawn/dusk lamp whose light is Supreme Knowledge which removes the darkness of ignorance and by which all can be achieved. " Asato Masad Gamaya, Tamso ma Jyotir gamaya Mrityor Ma Amritam Gamaya
Ganesh Slokam Meaning Vakratunda Mahakaya Surya Koti Samaprabha Nirvighnam Kurumeydeva Sarva Karyeshu Sarvada O Lord Ganesha of Large Body, Curved Trunk, With the Brilliance of a Million Suns, Make All My Work Free Of Obstacles, Always.
Sri Ganesha-Sarasawati-Guru Pooja (Shask Asana)
Warm Up Om-Jumping (Run at one place & jump saying Om.. Om.. with it) Swami Lilashah ji exercise techniques
Shask Asana Procedure-1 Sit in Vajrasana. While taking a breath, lift your hands up and get hands into namaskar position. While exhaling slowly bend forward and try to touch the ground with your head. Keep the folded hands on the ground and breathe regularly and chant OM while concentrating on your breath. While taking a breath slowly, lift your hands and head up and get back to vajrasana.
As per Kundalini yoga there are 7 Chakras (Centers) in the body Q) What are Chakras (Centers)? Chakra are commonly described, as energy centers in the spine located at major branchings of the human nervous system, beginning at the base of the spinal column and moving upward to the top of the skull.
2. Yogasan Om-Jumping (Run at one place & jump saying Om.. Om.. with it) Hasya Prayog ( Divine- Laugher)
Sarvangasana In this Asana, all the parts of the body are lifted up. This Asana helps in increasing brain power and gives Eternal youth.
Sarvangasana Procedure Take a deep breath in Shav-Asan Lift your body below your waist up Lift your body up by supporting your waist with both the hands. In this posture breath normally With the support of shoulders and neck, Keep your body straight upwards Focus on thumb-fingers of your legs. Take a Deep Breath and Exhale and slowly bring body to shav-Asan.
Sarvanaga Asana
Padapaschimottan Asan Technique: Spread a blanket on the floor and sit over it with legs extended in front. Hold both toes with the index fingers and flex the spine. Touch the forehead to your knees by bending forward from the waist. The knees should remain flat on the ground. In the beginning if the knees tend to bend, it does not matter. Only by repeated practice, this asana is perfected. Avoid too much exertion when you do this asana.
Benefits Benefits: Practice of this asana purifies nerves, prevents and cures many diseases. Many abdominal disorders like indigestion, constipation, common colds, acute coryza, productive cough, backache, hiccup, leucoderma, urinary diseases, wet dreams, seminal disorders, Appendicitis, scitica, jaundice, insomnia, asthama, hyperacidity, nervous debility, uterine disorders, menstrual disorders, impotency, (sterility), blood disorders, stunted growth and many other diseases can be cured by this asana. In the beginning of the practice, do this asana for 30 seconds and then gradually and slowly increase the period up to 15 minutes. Difficulty will be experienced in the initial few days. The asana will become easy with practice. This asana improves the built of the body. It reduces excess of fats (if any), and makes a weak body strong and well built. For those who practice Brahmacharya, this asana is a special boon from Lord Shiva. This asana was specially designed by Lord Shiva and later Gorakhanatha made it popular. Before you take a bath, rub your body thoroughly with a coarse towel. This friction generates static electricity, which helps in prevention of a number of diseases. Fast breathing improves peripheral blood circulation. During inhalations, lungs are filled with clean air, which provides oxygen to all the organs of the body through arterial blood circulation. The venous blood carry carbon dioxide (toxic waste) to the lungs from where it is thrown out through exhalation. Some of the impurities are removed by sweat glands in form of perspiration. Therefore, it is better to bathe after rubbing the body because impurities are removed through perspiration. The rubbing opens up the skin pores, which gives agility to the body. Again after bathing, the body should be thoroughly rubbed with a clean and coarse towel.
Now, we will do Pranayam, while sitting in Padmasana or Arda-Padmasana.
Padmasan Padma means Lotus. In this asana, the posture of the legs is like a lotus flower, so it is called Padmasana. Benfits: Your mind becomes stable and focused. Happiness becomes your natural way of life. Glow in your face increases. Life-force increases. There will be tremendous improvement in your determination.
Padmasana: Procedure While exhaling, bend your right knee and place it on your right thigh so that your ankle is below your belly button. Repeat this with your left knee. You can change the order of your legs posture above. Hands on your knees with Gyan Mudra. Now, take a deep breath and hold it as much as you can and release your breath. Concentrate on your Agna Chakra (Shiv netra). Keep your eyes half closed.
Pranayam: Bhramari
Brain-Memory-Intellectual Power
Tanka Vidya
Anuloma Viloma Pranayama
Mudra: Shankha Mudra
Divine Laughter C:\Documents and Settings\varavala\My Documents\Balsanskar Template\Kirtan\KadamApneAageBadhataChalajaa.mp3: Time: 4:05 Advantages: Remedy from tension, Irritation, High BP, Low BP. By Repetition of ‘OM’, All negative Bad thoughts will vanish and All Great, positive thoughts will come in Mind.