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By the end of class today, you should be able to: 1.Understand the nature and value of intellectual strengths as found in intellectual disciplines. 2.Identify the discovery, process, and application disciplines associated with intellectual strengths. 2
Strength in your life that enables you to acquire knowledge and develop an ever-expanding understanding of this knowledge in a manner that produces wisdom. Strength in your life that enables you to acquire knowledge and develop an ever-expanding understanding of this knowledge in a manner that produces wisdom.
Humility 4
Curiosity Humility a strong desire to learn more about something 5
Teachable Spirit Curiosity Humility a willingness and eagerness to learn 6
Persistence Teachable Spirit Curiosity Humility a firm and steadfast continual search for knowledge and truth 7
Integrity Humility the quality or condition of interpreting information collected with honesty 8
Critical Thinking Integrity Humility the mental process of actively and skillfully conceptualizing, applying, analyzing, synthesizing, and evaluating information to reach an answer or conclusion 9
Critical Thinking Integrity Patience Humility the capability of calmly awaiting an outcome or result even in the face of obstacles or challenges 10
Courage Humility the quality of spirit that enables a person to face the unknown or new ideas without fear of the implications or repercussions 11
Courage Systematic Thinking Humility the mental process of formulating concepts into an organized set of interrelated ideas or principles that can be applied to life 12
Courage Systematic Thinking Advancement Humility the application of an understanding of knowledge so as to improve upon what was already known 13
Critical Thinking Integrity Courage Systematic Thinking Advancement Persistence Teachable Spirit Curiosity Patience Humility a modest view of one’s own importance pertaining to the possession of knowledge 14
Critical Thinking Integrity Courage Systematic Thinking Advancement Persistence Teachable Spirit Curiosity Patience Humility a modest view of one’s own importance pertaining to the possession of understanding 15
Critical Thinking Integrity Courage Systematic Thinking Advancement Persistence Teachable Spirit Curiosity Patience Humility a modest view of one’s own importance pertaining to thrusting one’s own understanding on others 16
17 Intellectual Strengths and Your Life Map
18 Learning Strategies
19 Sudoku
A Sudoku puzzle is a grid of nine by nine squares or cells that has been subdivided into nine sub- grids or blocks of three by three cells. See the example to the right: 20
The objective of Sudoku is to enter a digit from 1 through 9 in each cell, in such a way that: Each horizontal row (shown in pink) contains each digit exactly once Each vertical column (shown in green) contains each digit exactly once Each sub-grid or block (shown in blue) contains each digit exactly once 21