Neutron production in atmosphere Nuclear physics for Galactic Cosmic Rays in the AMS-02 era – Grenoble (38) / France Session: Neutron detectors, solar modulation and GCRs – Tuesday 4 th December 2012 A. Cheminet a,b, G. Hubert a, V. Lacoste b and D. Boscher a a The French Aerospace Lab (ONERA), PHY/DESP, 2 avenue Edouard Belin, Toulouse Cedex 4, France b Institute for Radiological Protection and Nuclear Safety (IRSN), DRPH/SDE/LMDN, Saint Paul-Lez-Durance, France
Outline Introduction – Context The Atmospheric Natural Radiative Environment Spallation process Extensive Air Showers The Cosmic-ray induced neutrons Transportation through the atmosphere: neutron spectrum Monte Carlo calculations The High Energy Range Multisphere Extended IRSN System The Neutron Monitors The measurement location: the Pic du Midi platform Some results Comparison NMs-HERMEIS A Forbush Decrease Conclusion – A link to GCRs - slide 2 – Outline
Introduction – Context - slide 3 – Introduction
Introduction – Context - slide 4 – Introduction Aircrew Dosimetry Microelectronics Reliability Space Weather Why do we need to study the atmospheric neutrons? Spectral fluence rate (cm -2 ·s -1 ·MeV -1 ) PhD Thesis (ONERA-IRNS/ ): Development of an operating neutron spectrometer extended to high energies and dedicated to the characterization of the natural radiative environment (at the Pic du Midi)
The Natural Radiative Environment - slide 5 – The NRE
The Spallation process (Nuclei fragmentation) - slide 6 – The NRE A four-step nuclear reaction: The Natural Radiative Environment Intranuclear cascade [Serber, 1947] Preequilibrium [Griffin, 1966] Evaporation/Fission [Weisskopf and Ewing, 1940] [Hauser and Feshback, 1952] Final deexcitation
The Natural Radiative Environment Extensive Air Showers (hadronic) - slide 7 – The NRE Primary Cosmic Radiation Galactic Cosmic Rays Sun’s particles Protons (85%) He nuclei (13%) Secondary Cosmic Radiation Neutrons Protons Muons Pions Photons Electrons/Positrons
The Natural Radiative Environment Extensive Air Showers, many researches: - slide 8 – The NRE Simulations and Theory (from CORSIKA School 2011, D. Heck) CORSIKA (Heck et al.) AIRES (Sciutto et al.) COSMOS (Kasahara et al.) CONEX (Kalmykov et al.) … Experiments (detector arrays) Pierre Auger Observatory (Malargüe, Argentina) Energy range: eV KASKADE-Grande Experiment (Karlsruhe, Germany) Energy range : eV High Resolution Fly’s Eye HIRES (Utah, USA) Energy range : eV … AIRES, 1 TeV proton (20 km) Pierre Auger Array
The Cosmic-ray Induced Neutrons - slide 9 – The Cosmic-ray Induced Neutrons
The Cosmic-ray Induced Neutrons - slide 10 – The Cosmic-ray Induced Neutrons Some characteristics: Broad energy range (meV to GeV) 13 decades Responsible for Aircrew doses and SEE Fluence rate dependence: Altitude Geomagnetic latitude
- slide 11 – The Cosmic-ray Induced Neutrons Some characteristics: Broad energy range (meV to GeV) 13 decades Responsible for Aircrew doses and SEE Fluence rate dependence: Solar activity 24 th Solar maximum activity foreseen in SOHO probe 13/03/2001 The Cosmic-ray Induced Neutrons
The Atmospheric Natural Radiative Environment - slide 12 – The Cosmic-Ray Induced Neutrons The Cosmic-ray induced neutrons: Transportation & physics: Boltzmann equation (steady state) O’Brien et al., 1996 The Cosmic-ray Induced Neutrons Boltzmann operator Radioactive decay ( τ neutron = 881 s) Advection operator Absorption-Capture (n,γ) Generation of a i-type particle of energy E and direction Ω Source (for example: GCR) Stopping power for charged particle i(= 0 for neutron) Scattering-down integral Fragmentation (evaporation and cascade)
The Atmospheric Natural Radiative Environment - slide 13 – The Cosmic-Ray Induced Neutrons The Cosmic-ray induced neutrons: Spectral fluence rate in lethargic representation at ground level (spectrum): Gordon et al., 2004 Neutron Spectrometer extended to high energies: HERMEIS (IRSN) NRE characterization: Atmospheric neutron spectra measurements Thermal region ( < 0.5 eV) Epithermal plateau (0.5 eV – 0.1 MeV) Evaporation peak (0.1 MeV – 20 MeV) Cascade peak ( > 20 MeV) The Cosmic-ray Induced Neutrons
Natural Radiative Environment (NRE) Calculations - slide 14 – The Cosmic-Ray Induced Neutrons Complex radiation field The Cosmic-ray Induced Neutrons NRE simulations based on Monte Carlo method GCR spectrum (up to ~TeV) as input Only H and He High Energy physics for transportation Cross sections and models Atmosphere modeling Secondaries - global values: Mean Spectral fluence Rate of the field Some Monte Carlo NRE codes: EXPACS (Sato et al., JAEA) based on the PHITS code, 2008 QARM (Lei et al., QINETIC) based on MCNPX and FLUKA codes, 2006 ONERA tool (in development with the Geant4 toolkit)
Natural Radiative Environment Calculations - slide 15 – The Cosmic-Ray Induced Neutrons The Cosmic-ray Induced Neutrons NRE codes feature: The atmosphere: Standard atmosphere: T, P and ρ versus z The GCRs: Axford and Gleeson-force field, solar modulation potential: Φ The magnetic field: Vertical cut-off rigidity R c : MAGNETOCOSMICS (Desorgher, 2004) Handling with the hadron transportation: G4 HE models: QGSP_BIC/BERT Storing the secondary trajectories: G4 flux scorers ONERA tool (preliminary result): Goldhagen et al., 2004 Experimental data (ER-2 NASA) Φ = 405 MV, R c = 4.3 GV and z=201 g/cm² (h=11.9 km)
The High Energy Range Multisphere Extended IRSN System (HERMEIS) - slide 16 – HERMEIS
The High Energy Range Multisphere Extended IRSN System (HERMEIS) - slide 17 – HERMEIS HERMEIS: 10 polyethylene Bonner spheres 3″, 3.5″, 4″, 5″, 6″, 7″, 8″, 10″ and 12″ 2 extended spheres 8″ + W shell (0.5″) & 9″ + Pb shell (0.5″) High efficiency: 3 He pressure: 10 atm Fluence Responses R d (E) calculated with MCNPX 130 energy groups Realistic modeling geometry Central detector: 2 ″ Thickness and matter of spheres and metallic shells define the detector response in a certain environment EXTENDED BSCLASSICAL BS
The Neutron Monitors (NMs) - slide 18 – HERMEIS
The Neutron Monitors (NMS) - slide 19 – The Neutron Monitors The NM-64: NMS are used since the 50s To study cosmic rays Same principle as extended spheres Polyethylene reflector (a) Lead Producer (b) Gas BF3 proportional counter tubes (c) : High volume High efficiency Fluence Response R NM (E) to neutrons and protons calculated with Geant4 A worldwide Network (NMDB) ≠ altitudes ≠ geomagnetic latitudes Real-time Count Rates available online Pioch et al., 2011
The measurement location: the Pic du Midi platform - slide 20 – The measurement location
The measurement location - slide 21 – The measurement location Located in the French Pyrenees (5.6 GV) Various assets: High altitude: m above sea level Proximity of Toulouse (2h from the ONERA) Scientific observation of the Sun (Coronagraph) HERMEIS operating continuously since May 2011 (GUI) Φ The Pic du Midi Observatory (OMP)
Some results - slide 22 – Some results
Some results - slide 23 – Some results Atmospheric neutron differential spectrum Example (June 2011) Unfolding procedure with GRAVEL (a priori spectrum given by EXPACS) Good consistency between measured and predicted spectra Count rates corrected from pressure effects Cheminet et al., 2012
Some results - slide 24 – Some results Comparison between HERMEIS and NMs count rates HERMEIS spectra folded with NM responses ≠ HE G4 models Cheminet et al., 2012
Natural Radiative Environment (NRE) characterization - slide 25 – The Cosmic-Ray Induced Neutrons Comparison between HERMEIS and NMs Some results HERMEIS Spectrum: information about neutron energy distribution Modular (number of spheres) Very well characterized Only sensitive to neutrons SEE and dosimetry studies Low efficiency Complex data analysis A few in the world Not yet suitable for cosmic ray studies NMS High efficiency Data analysis quite simple Data available online A powerful network (≠ R c ) Cosmic ray studies Only count rates Sensitive to protons and muons Not well characterized
Solar event (4 th of August 2011) - slide 26 – Some results CME and Forbush Decrease: Some results
Conclusion – A link to GCRs - slide 27 – Conclusion
Conclusion - slide 28 – Conclusion Neutron production in the atmosphere A very well known and documented phenomenon Theoretical point of view (HE and fragmentation physics) Calculations: Monte Carlo Transport Codes Measurements (Bonner spheres, NM, scintillators, …) A link to GCRs Neutron spectral fluence rate depends on GCRs Solar modulation (eleven-year cycles) Solar events: Solar Event Particles (SEP) Ground Level Enhancements (GLEs) Coronal Mass Ejection (CME) Forbush Decreases Perspectives Calculation of the Yield Function of each Bonner Spheres with the G4-ONERA tool Study of the Forbush Decreases observed at the Pic du Midi
- slide 29 – Conclusion Thank you for your attention!