Metagenomics The study of metagenomes, genetic material recovered directly from environmental samples. Term: Coined in 1998 to refer to the idea that a collection of genes sequenced from the environment could be analyzed in a way analogous to the study of a single genome.
1.ssDNA template hybridized with primer & mix 2.One of 4 dNTPs added to reaction; if complementary, incorporated into growing strand 3.Pyrophosphate (PPi) released & converted to ATP by sulfurylase 4.ATP serves as substrate for luciferase causing photon emission
History Norman Pace: Studied the diversity of rRNA sequences; first to propose cloning DNA directly from environmental samples (1985). Mya Breitbart & Forest Rohwer: Used environmental shotgun sequencing to show that 200 liters of seawater contains over 5000 different viruses (2002). Craig Venter: Led the Global Sampling Expedition (GOS) that circumnavigated the globe collecting metagenomic samples; sample from the Sargasso Sea foung DNA from nearly 2000 species, including 200 bacteria never seen before (2003). Stephan Schuster: First to publish sequences of an environmental sample generated with high-throughput sequencing (2005).
Bioinformatics 1.Shotgun sequencing (454 pyrosequencing) 2.Assembly (Phrap or Celera) 3.Gene prediction (MEGAN & GLIMMER) 4.Species diversity (BLAST & MEGAN) 5.Data integration (MG-RAST) 6.Comparative metagenomics (COG & KEGG)