Personal Health and Hygiene HEALTH CLASS
Short term and long terms goals Short term goals - are ones that you will achieve in the near future (e.g., in a day, within a week, or possibly within a few months). Long Term Goals - are ones that you will achieve over a longer period of time (e.g., one semester, one year, five years, or twenty years).
What Are Health Habits that promote personal health? Exercise Diet Sleep Proper Hygeine Time Management
9- hours of sleep 5-eat 5 servings of fruits and vegetable 2- limit screen time to 2 hours or less 1- get at least 1 hour of physical activity 0-Eliminate sugary drinks
Fruits and Veggies
Sugary sodas Eliminate sugary drinks
Sleep What happens when you don’t get enough sleep? Drowsy Heart Disease Diabetes Depression Stroke
Personal Health It is very important to take care of yourself; ESPECIALLY when you are sick. STA Y HOME FROM SCHOOL! Primary care physician is a medical professional who provides the first line of health care. Health insurance is a plan to cover part of most costs of expenses and care associated with medical treatment.
Personal Health Insurance To maintain membership in such a plan, the insured pays a periodic premium, or fee, for his or her coverage. Medicare health insurance program available to people 65 years or older and to people who receive social security disability benefits. Medicaid Is an assistance program of medical aid for people of all ages who are unable to afford medical care.
Personal Health Group Q&A Why is it important to have health insurance? Conventional health care is expensive. In managed care or in programs where health care is free, patients may not choose their own doctors and may have to wait for care. Some specializes care may not be available to everyone. Is it better to have good care at high cost for, or minimal care for everyone at low cost? Explain your response.
Personal Health Quackery - medical practice and advice based on observation and experience in ignorance of scientific findings. What do quacks promise? Anti-aging Arthritis remedies Cancer cures
Personal Health Fraud - Fraud occurs when someone knowingly lies to obtain some benefit or advantage to which they are not otherwise entitled or someone knowingly denies some benefit that is due and to which someone is entitled
Proper Hygiene One way to stay healthy is to have proper hygiene This means take care of your body Wash your hands frequently Take showers Wear clean clothes
Hygiene: Skin Skin Integumentary System Largest organ of the body Defense against infectious diseases Temperature regulation
Hygiene Hair Wash your hair several times a week!!!!
Hair Hygiene Dandruff? Outer layer of dead skin cells shed from scalp. Lice? Wingless insects that suck blood from the scalp (may cause infection)
Hygiene Teeth Brush at least twice daily. Flossing once a day Halitosis- bad breath Eye Have your vision tested on a regular basis. Ear Clean your ears and protect them against weather When cleaning use nothing smaller then a Q-tip.
Hygiene Shower daily! With soap! Especially if you are an athlete.