Definitions: the ecosystem approach; sustainable agriculture Definitions: the ecosystem approach; sustainable agriculture Problems or non-sustainable issues for the agricultural sector Problems or non-sustainable issues for the agricultural sector Sustainable production concepts - Agricultural “footprint” Sustainable production concepts - Agricultural “footprint” Conventional, organic and integrated systems Conventional, organic and integrated systems Nutrient flows and management in different farming systems Nutrient flows and management in different farming systems Plant Nutrient Management and the Environment Plant Nutrient Management and the Environment Sustainable and Organic Agriculture in the Great Lakes Region Sustainable and Organic Agriculture in the Great Lakes Region
Leaching losses of nitrogen from agricultural soils in the Baltic Sea Area, regulating factors and counter measures Leaching losses of nitrogen from agricultural soils in the Baltic Sea Area, regulating factors and counter measures Phosphorus load from agricultural land to the Baltic Sea Phosphorus load from agricultural land to the Baltic Sea Soil phosphorus problems in Lithuania and management Soil phosphorus problems in Lithuania and management Agricultural Nutrient Management in the Great Lakes Region Agricultural Nutrient Management in the Great Lakes Region
Leaching Spring barley
Catchment scale risk-mitigation experiences – key issues for reducing pesticide transport to surface waters Catchment scale risk-mitigation experiences – key issues for reducing pesticide transport to surface waters Risk assessments for pests and diseases of field crops, especially, forecasting and warning systems Risk assessments for pests and diseases of field crops, especially, forecasting and warning systems Reducing impact of agriculture and horticulture on environment Reducing impact of agriculture and horticulture on environment The concept of biological control The concept of biological control
D. Protection of Ground and Surface Water for Drinking Water Purposes in Agricultural Areas E. Improve efficiency of energy and of raw materials usage for high quality agricultural productivity Efficient and productive use of the nutrients on farms - reduced inputs
Soil compaction Soil compaction Ploughless tillage in long- and short-term soil tillage on soil structure Ploughless tillage in long- and short-term soil tillage on soil structure Soil erosion in Lithuania Soil erosion in Lithuania Soil acidification and liming, fertilizing (with commercial and organic fertilizers) and soil phosphate Soil acidification and liming, fertilizing (with commercial and organic fertilizers) and soil phosphate Soil sulphur problems in Lithuania and management Soil sulphur problems in Lithuania and management Soil potassium problems in Lithuania and management Soil potassium problems in Lithuania and management
Benefits Reduced evaporation, crusting and slaking Goodunsaturated hydraulic conductivity under dry conditions High biological activity Increased conductivity in former plough pan Drawbacks Slow drying, reduced soil temperature, plant pathogens in straw, technical problems during sowing Sometimes reduced saturated conductivity in compacted soil Reduced root growth in the topsoil Increased number of weeds
Produce high quality feed, silage, concentrates, mineral fodder Produce high quality feed, silage, concentrates, mineral fodder Grassland management (hygienic quality) Grassland management (hygienic quality) Feed management in organic farming (EU & USA) Feed management in organic farming (EU & USA) Relationship between livestock nutrition and excreted nitrogen and phosphorus content Relationship between livestock nutrition and excreted nitrogen and phosphorus content
What is Animal Welfare? The Basic Affective Circuits of Animal Brains: Do animals have emotional lives? The Basic Affective Circuits of Animal Brains: Do animals have emotional lives? The Role of Ethics in Modern Animal Production Systems The Role of Ethics in Modern Animal Production Systems Contemporary issues in farm animal housing and management - Cattle Contemporary issues in farm animal housing and management - Cattle Contemporary issues in farm animal housing and management - Swine Contemporary issues in farm animal housing and management - Swine Contemporary issues in farm animal housing and management - Poultry Contemporary issues in farm animal housing and management - Poultry Can farm animal welfare standards be compatible with free trade? Can farm animal welfare standards be compatible with free trade?
Improving occupational health of farmers improving the indoor climate in animal housing toxic gases (H 2 S, NH 3 ) dust noise use environmentally less harmful chemicals less ”chemicals” in use improving technology to prevent heavy lifting or back and muscular injuries improved climate within the drivers cabin (tractor etc.) better education leads often to better health
Management of manure on the farm – one of the keys to the future Heavy metals and radionuclides Sewage sludge agreement in Sweden Sewage sludge management in Latvia in relation to EU-requirements Land Application of Biosolids by the Metropolitan Water Reclamation District of Greater Chicago
Economic and Business Principles for Farm Management Conditions for effective operating of farms in Russia Agricultural cooperation in Russia: from past to present Agriculture in Kaliningrad
How to change behaviour – carrots and sticks How to change behaviour – carrots and sticks Agricultural education and extension service in Russia Agricultural education and extension service in Russia Lithuanian example of extension service based on the Danish model Lithuanian example of extension service based on the Danish model
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