CARA PENN OUTREACH OFFICER Energy Saving Trust North East Advice Centre Energy Saving in South Tyneside
About us… Who we are… –Energy Saving Trust North East Advice Centre –Non-Profit –Government Funded Our Goals… –To achieve a sustainable use of domestic energy –To cut carbon dioxide emissions Freephone:
What we do… Provide free and impartial energy advice –Energy efficiency – no and low cost measures –Help to find grants for insulation and heating –Renewable energy and transport Freephone:
How we work … Call Centre –9am-5pm, Monday to Friday Outreach activity –Deliver presentations and training sessions –Hold advice stands at events Home Energy Check –Questionnaire about your home –Provides an individual report –Complete via freepost, online or through our call centre Partnership projects and schemes –Building an energy saving network, working with regional partners involved in saving energy or delivering advice Freephone:
Why Save Energy? Environmental Reasons… –The average household could save around 2 tonnes of carbon dioxide a year by making their home energy efficient Social Reasons… –Increasing fuel poverty Freephone:
Why Save Energy? Economic Reasons… –Around £7.5 billion of energy is wasted in the UK every year –That is enough money to give every man, woman and child in the UK £125 a year! Freephone:
Rising Fuel Prices Since January 2003… Electricity prices have risen 28 times Average annual gas bills have increased from £242 to £ % price rise! Freephone:
Rising Fuel Prices Since January 2003… Gas prices have risen 31 times Average annual gas bills have increased from £330 to £ % price rise! Freephone:
Switching Fuel Suppliers Up to 10 million people have never switched fuel suppliers Could save up to £400 per year on fuel bills by switching Freephone:
What you can do today Turn heating thermostats down by 1ºC Set water thermostat between 50 o C & 60ºC Close curtains at dusk Switch off lights when you leave a room Washing your clothes at 40⁰C instead of 60⁰C saves one third of the electricity used Freephone:
Have a shower instead of a bath Put lids on saucepans Only boil as much water as you need Put plugs in sinks when washing-up Don’t leave appliances on standby What you can do today Freephone:
The Cost of Keeping an Appliance on Standby One Year = £52!!! Freephone:
Low Cost Measures Low energy light bulbs »Save £78 over the lifetime of each bulb Insulate hot water cylinders Lag Pipes Draught-proofing Freephone:
Buy A-Rated appliances with the energy saving recommended logo rating This guarantees that the product will: –Save energy –Cost less to run –Help the environment Energy Saving Recommended Freephone:
A Summary … The Energy Saving Trust Advice Centre is working in the North East to help households save energy, money and the environment All advice we provide is: Free Impartial Locally Relevant Independent Freephone:
Get in Contact Energy Saving Trust Advice Centre – Speak to an advisor on freephone – Complete an online Home Energy Check today at –For more information about EST visit our website: energywatch – Call them on – Visit their website Freephone: