V. R. Eaton Chapter National Honor Society Application Process Spring 2016
Induction Ceremony Thursday, April 7, pm PAC Cookies and Punch Reception to follow in the foyer Family and Parents are Invited
Get Connected Sign up to receive text message alerts! to Follow on This PowerPoint and Application will be on the Eaton National Honor Society Moodle Page- found under “clubs” CHECK YOUR NISD OFTEN!!!
What is NHS? The National Honor Society (NHS) is the nation's premier organization established to recognize outstanding high school students. More than just an honor roll, NHS serves to honor those students who have demonstrated excellence in the areas of scholarship, leadership, service, and character. NHS began in For more info-
What does Eaton’s NHS do? Membership Fees are $20 a year for members (This could cover the cost of a T-shirt, Induction Ceremony costs, National dues, and other miscellaneous NHS items) NHS meets the first week of every month on Thursday before or afterschool in the lecture hall. Attendance at the monthly meeting is MANDATORY for membership. NHS members must complete 20 Service Hours each semester, at least 10 hours have to be “Campus” Hours. NHS members participate in 1 to 2 National Honor Society Service Projects a semester NHS members attend 1 social a semester. NHS members must hold a 90 or above grade average and cannot receive any disciplinary referrals.
What does Eaton’s NHS do this year? Membership fees are only $10 There will NOT be a service project this school year There will NOT be T-shirts this school year There will NOT be a social this school year For the last six weeks, on May 27 th, 3 campus hours and 3 community hours will be due. This school year-officers will be elected and NHS By-Laws will be written. This year we will have 3 meetings: -1 to explain the “Hours” system -1 to elect officers -1 to vote on By-Laws
Application Process You will get a paper copy of the application today. The application can be printed from Moodle. A paper copy of the application must be submitted. You and your parents must sign the application! Turn in your application to Rm C227, Mrs. Cloud, or Rm C211, Mrs. Bettis by 4:00pm on Friday, February 26, *This gives you two full weeks to complete it! NO LATE APPLICATIONS WILL BE ACCEPTED
Application Process Continued.. Teacher Recommendations: You MUST write a nice professional to only 3 of your current Eaton teachers letting them know you are a candidate for National Honor Society and ask that they fill out the Googledoc teacher recommendation that will be sent by Mrs. Cloud and Mrs. Bettis. You must your teachers by February 19 th, or teachers are not responsible for completing your recommendation. Include your full name and ID number Follow up in a few days and thank them in person! Your teacher recommendation score will be an average from your 3 teachers.
Acceptable Service Hours Service Activities are volunteer activities done for others, not including immediate family, for which no compensation has been given. Service Activities do NOT include activities that are required for an extra-curricular sport, organization, or class at EHS. AcceptableNot Acceptable Volunteering to watch children for a church function Babysitting siblings for mom Volunteering to work at the Color Guard Competition if you are not a member of the EHS Color guard team Working at a Dance Clinic that you are required to be at for being a member of the EHS Drill Team Teacher has requested a volunteer crew and has coordinated a sign up list through the NHS sponsors Grading papers and cleaning teachers rooms after school
Scoring Process for NHS Membership Candidate NHS ComponentsPoints Awarded Scholarship: a.) Be a sophomore b.) Have a 90 out of 100 average c.) Be at Eaton for a full semester d.) Complete application and obtain signature by the deadline 10 Service: List Campus or Community Volunteer Hours from 9 th and 10 th grade. The summer before 9 th is included 30 Leadership: List Leadership Positions held at Eaton, through community groups, or work, this also includes involvement in co-curricular groups 25 Character: Teacher Recommendations, the score is an average from 3 teachers 30 Citizenship: Clear Discipline Record5
DON’T FORGET! Teacher Recommendation Requests must be ed by Friday, February 19, 2016 at 4pm!!! Applications with Signatures need to be completed by Friday, February 26, 2016 at 4pm!!! Turn in applications to Room C227 or Room C211!!!!