Understanding The New Cub Scout Program ●Research shows that a child’s development accelerates as youngsters begin their formal education in kindergarten. ●Kindergarten is when families start looking for after- school activities for their children. ●Kindergarteners could join a soccer team or karate studio but could not yet join Scouting. ●Lion Cub Scouting bridges that gap.
This is a Boy Scouts of America pilot being tested this year in Councils across the country, including ours. The Lion Cub Program… ●IS an introduction to Cub Scouts ●IS for Kindergarten Boys only ●IS a Family shared program ●IS NOT a Sibling program ●IS NOT designed for other age groups, they have their own program
Simon Kenton Council opted in, establishing a cross functional Steering Committee ●Multidistrict Representation ●Special Skills (IT, Project Management, Program Depth) ●Pilot timeline and participation criteria established ●3 Task Forces Created ○Training Task Force ○Communications Task Force ○Analysis Task Force
Criteria, Size and Scope of Pilot - A three-year rollout plan ●YEAR 1: Small pilot ○Targeting total Gold/Silver JTE Packs with 70+% retention ○Small number of Packs per District ○Expressed willingness to participate and record feedback ○Pack Agreement ○District Key 3 Recommendation and Support Commitment (Key 3: District Executive, District Commissioner, District Chair) ●YEAR 2: Large group pilot ●YEAR 3: Full implementation should National continue Lions
●April 5 & 12Lion Pilot Steering Committee Meetings ●April 19Intro At Council-wide Key 3 Meeting ●MayLion Pilot Council-wide Announcement ●May – JuneNational Rolls Out Materials / Resources ●June 10Deadline For Pack Interest Forms ●June 15 District Key 3 Recommendations ●June 20Council Selection & Pack Notification & Training Schedule / Options Provided ●June 30Selected Packs Must Identify Lion Guides ●JulyLion Training (Guides / Cubmasters) ●AugustFall Recruitment / Program Launch
●The program is designed for the attention span of kindergarten-aged boys ●Two activities per month, e.g. den meeting, outing or Pack meeting ●Lions do not attend every Pack meeting ●Meetings are short & fun - 45 mins for meetings, 60 mins for outings ●Support materials and meeting plans are directive and simple to follow ●Activity book includes recognition stickers
●Lion Adult Partners take turns leading den activities ○Emphasis on providing quality youth/adult partner engagement not watching from sidelines ○Develops future Cub Scout leaders ●Lion Guides get the ball rolling and provide support ○Experienced Scouter in the Pack ○Trained in advance (summer) on the Lion Program ○Organizes first meeting; ongoing support; feedback ●Cubmaster – Lion Trained / additional support
●Lion Cubs are part of the Pack ●Lion Cubs follow an age appropriate program in preparation for the full Cub Scout experience as Tigers ●Lions work toward their Lion Badge during the year ○12 “Adventures”, or subjects to explore ○5 required and 7 elective ○Lions do not earn any other Cub Scout awards (Bobcat earned as a Tiger) ●Lions graduate to Tigers and the full Cub Scout experience at the end of the school year
●Lion Cubs wear a Lion t-shirt, not the Class A uniform (avoiding expense of uniforms the boys will just grow out of soon) ●Lion Cubs should not be expected to participate in Pack fundraisers like popcorn ●It’s a pilot…Packs must follow the program as designed and provide your feedback so it can be tested and made better
●National is rolling out a package of support materials in May – recruiting kits, leader guides, lion books, etc. ●Simon Kenton will maintain updated resources and information at the following address: ●Regular communications throughout the year ○Lion Guide / Cub Master Training Sessions ○District / Council provided updates, resources ○Feedback solicitation ○Multiple channels to answer your questions ○Monitored Lion
●July: Lion Guide & Cubmaster Lion Pilot Training ●Overview / best practices for the Lion Program and for executing the Lion Pilot ●Training offered onsite at the Pack’s location in Year 1 where possible (some Districts may centralize) ●June 20: Training details with Pack notification
Additional Questions? Please You will receive prompt response from the appropriate staff or volunteer. Future program updates will be found at: