Boy Scouts of America Detailed On-line Charter Renewal Training
1. Internet Rechartering Overview There are 5 stages to the internet rechartering process. Each stage may have several steps to complete. Start with the Venturing Crew and work backward to Varsity Team, Scout Troop, then Cub Pack.
1. Load Roster Load Council Information to retrieved your unit roster. For this example we are loading the Troop.
2. Update Roster There are six steps to Updating the Roster.
2.1 Update Charter Information This is where you would update the address and phone numbers of the Chartered Organization. This is the address of where this ward/unit meets.
2.2 Select Members for Renewal This is where you would drop Adults or Youth who are not in the program or have advanced to the next program. Uncheck the box next to the names of the Adults or Youth that are being dropped. If applications where turned in during the online process this button can be clicked to update the roster. It is best to turn them in before you start the online process. James Kirk Harry Kim Diana Troi Jean Luc Picard Geordi LaForge 1996 W Scout Street 2011 W Scout Street 245 W 100 N 56 W 200 N 65 W Who Knows Street William Riker248 N First Class Road 267 N First Class RoadTom Paris 267 N First Class RoadEugene Paris Johnny Kirk Kiddy Kim Jason Troi 1996 W Scout Street 2011 W Scout Street 245 W 100 N Nathan Wildman Alexander Worf Jake Sisko Nog Rom 222 W Loyal Lane 204 W Trustworthy Street 245 W Helpful Road 911 W First Aid Street 123 N Tenderfoot StreetJoshua Janeway
2.2 Select Members for Renewal Review the summary of Youth and Adults who are being renewed or dropped. If the information is correct click next. James Kirk Harry Kim Diana Troi Jean Luc Picard Geordi LaForge William Riker 1996 W Scout Street 2011 W Scout Street 245 W 100 N 56 W 200 N 65 W Who Knows Street 248 N First Class Road Johnny Kirk Kiddy Kim Jason Troi 1996 W Scout Street 2011 W Scout Street 245 W 100 N Nathan Wildman Alexander Worf Jake Sisko Nog Rom 222 W Loyal Lane 204 W Trustworthy Street 245 W Helpful Road 911 W First Aid Street Tom Paris Eugene Paris Joshua Janeway 267 N First Class Road 123 N Tenderfoot Street
2.3 Promote Members Click Promote to move Youth or Adults into this Unit (the Troop). NOTE: Youth and Adults can only be added (promoted) into the unit you are currently logged into NOT moved out into other units. OR
2.3 Promote Members From here you can select the unit from which you will promote members into this unit. If you are logged into the Troop you will select the Pack, if you are logged into the Team select the Troop, if you are logged into the Crew select the Team, to promote from. If you click next and it says there is no one to promote then you will have to add youth and adults manually.
2.3 Select Members for Promotion This is where you will select the youth or adults to move into the unit you are logged into. We are logged into the Troop. These two youth can be promoted from the Pack into the Troop. Johanna Cubber Mary Bobcat Larry Bear John Weber Luz Arrow Akela Pessoa Ryan Ready Johnny Goodtogo
2.4 Add New Member If you have a new adult members to add to the Troop click New Adults, if not click Next. OR
2.4 Add New Member Here you will enter the information for the new adult leader. When adding a new adult member please enter their first and last name and select their primary position in the unit. (In this case the Troop)
2.4 Add New Member Here you will enter the contact information for the new adult leader. When adding the required contact information for the new adult member please enter their address, telephone number, date of birth, ethnic background, and sex.
2.4 Add New Member Here you may enter the business information for the new adult leader. Adding the business information for the new Adult Leader is not required. Having the business information on file for the leader is helpful to the BSA to recruit merit badge counselors as well as district and council level volunteers.
2.4 Add New Member OR If you have new youth members to add manually to the Troop, click New Youth, if not click Next Step.
2.4 Add New Member The first and last name as well as the address of the youth is required to register them. Enter the new youth’s information here.
2.4 Add New Member The youth’s date of birth, sex, and ethnic backround are required information to register. A home telephone number should be entered if there is one available. You can check the Boys’ Life button if they want to subscribe to the Magazine. Enter the new youth’s information here.
2.4 Add New Member If the youth’s parent(s) is serving in the same unit they are registered, click yes. If not, click no and enter in the parents required information. At this step we will either enter the youth’s parent’s information or select the parent. If you clicked yes, select the parent and their relationship.
2.5 Update Parent/Guardian Data The relationship, First and Last name of the parent are required to enter. Check the Address same as youth if youth lives with parent. It will prefill the address information. At this step we update member data if needed. The sex of the parent is required to enter. The home phone or date of birth of the parent are good to have but not required.
2.5 Update Member Data Click here to update Scout Leader’s information. The following three pages you will be able to change the person’s Scouting Position within the same unit. You can then change personal and business information if needed. From here we can update Adult Scout Leaders’ information. Johanna Cubber Address City1 Mary Bobcat Address City 2
2.6 Update Adult Leader Scouting Position Also, from here we can update Adult Scout Leaders’ position. Click update to update the Scout Leader’s position. One person can be in more than one position. See NOTE & WARNING below. Notice the Unit Adult Positions table and see what positions are required for the unit.
3.0 Check Roster This will make sure your roster and inforamation for the unit is correct. Click “Check Roster” and the system will validate the information for you. If there are any errors, go ahead and fix them, if validation is completed with warnings check over the warnings and fix them and revalidate. Youth Protection dates CANT be entered by you. Please submit Youth Protection certificates for those who need to update their training. Click “Next Stage” when you have completed
3.0 Check Roster Boy too old for Cubs but needs to be a Webelos Scout. If you have a boy who is tagged as too old for Cub Scouts but is in Webelos Scouts then you need to update his information. On the program level indicate that he is now a Webelos Scout. Click “Next” when done.
4.1 Summary Review & Boys’ Life Subscriptions Review your roster for accuracy and sign up adults & youth for Boys’ Life magazine. Click “Summary” and you will see your roster. Click “Update” by a name to update their fees. Click the box to sign up an adult or youth for Boys’ Life magazine. ***You can update the adult fee status to member paid in another unit if they are registered multiple times. You DON’T have to do this if you don’t want to because the Scout Office will do it for you!***
4.2 Summary Review – Membership Inventory Review dropped members and indicate why there are being dropped. Select “Yes” if all dropped members know they are being dropped. Select the reasons why each person is being dropped. Click “Save” when you are done.
5.0 Submit Roster Submit your roster to council when you are completed. When you are sure you have completed your charter with accuracy, click “Submit to Council”. This will solidify your online charter. No corrections can be made online. Any corrections made will have to be on the printed charter. Congratulations! You are done with this unit! You will need to do this with all four of your units if you have them, i.e. Pack, Troop, Team, Crew. Please print just the Renewal Application, get it signed and ready to be submitted!