Ecclesiastes: Pilgrims in Exile “Fear God and keep His commandments, for this is the whole duty of man.” (Ecc 12:13)


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Presentation transcript:

Ecclesiastes: Pilgrims in Exile “Fear God and keep His commandments, for this is the whole duty of man.” (Ecc 12:13)

Pilgrims in Exile Part 4 – Everything in the Hands of God

Ecclesiastes: Words of the Preacher Author: Solomon – “son of David, king over Israel in Jerusalem”. Jedidiah -- Beloved of God. Genre: Sermon to “assembly”. Wisdom poetry and prose. Translation Difficulties: Linguistic and grammar complexities. Divergent Views: Mostly driven by differing theological presuppositions and frameworks.

Literary Structure of Ecclesiastes David A. Dorsey (modified) A.Poem about the insignificance of life; the vanity of wisdom. (1:1-18) B. Wisdom v. folly; failure to enjoy life apart from God. (2:1 – 2:26) C.Poem about time; God’s sovereignty. (3:1-15) D. Center: Fear God; enjoy life as God’s gift. (3:16 – 6:12) C’. Poem about time revisited; God’s sovereignty. (7:1-14) B’. Wisdom v. Folly revisited; how to enjoy life. (7:15-10:19) A’. Poem about life’s brevity revisited; the value of wisdom. (10:20-12:12) Conclusion: Whole duty of man -- fear and obey God, for He will judge. (12:13-14)

Key Word: הֶבֶל hebel – 38 times A vapor. A breath. Transitory. Meaningless. Impossible to grasp. Absurd. Insignificant. Worthless. Pointless. Emptiness. A void, nothingness. Vanity. Futility.

Hebel – Creation subject to futility

Sermon Summary I the Preacher, wise King over Israel, tried hard to figure out the meaning of life, and – I failed. A person’s life and work “under heaven”, apart from God, is fleeting, insignificant, meaningless, futile. God made man upright, but they pursue sinful schemes. God reigns over all this “futility”. We must fear Him and obey Him. It will be well for sinners who fear Him. So -- Enjoy the journey in reverent fear and obedient submission to the sovereign Lord who will one day judge every deed.

Ecclesiastes 1 Captivity in the “Not Yet” Everything is “hebel” in this fallen world. We’re captive on a carousel of time. Nothing changes, nothing new, nothing lasts. I, the Preacher, tried to apply my wisdom to discover the big picture, but it was an impossible task, a big disappointment, like “chasing after the wind”.

Ecclesiastes 2 Solomon’s Failed Experiment in “Lord Self” I tried finding satisfaction in selfish endeavors – fame, fortune, great accomplishments, sex, alcohol, merriment, etc. All these worldly pursuits and accomplishments were dead ends, hebel, so “I hated life” (2:17-23). However, I also discovered there is “joy in the journey”, granted as a gracious gift from a Sovereign God. Apart from God, there is only hebel.

Chapter 3:1-15 Everything in the Hands of God A sovereign God has appointed an appropriate time for everything. We should expect ups and downs. God has placed in our heart a sense that there is a greater plan, but He has not given us the ability to perceive His overall plan from beginning to end. Rightly and fully grasping the sovereignty of God should lead us to – fear Him. The Lord wants us to fear Him.

Ecclesiastes 3:16-22 God Will One Day Judge Us There is injustice in the world, but God will ultimately judge both the righteous and the wicked. Both man and animals are mortal – all return to dust. Question: Who knows where our spirit goes when we die? It’s best to simply enjoy the journey in reverend fear of -- the Lord of everything.

The Gospel According to Ecclesiastes “God made man upright, but they have sought out many schemes” (7:29) “Though a sinner does evil a hundred times and prolongs his life, yet I know it will be well with those who fear God” (8:12). “But it will not be well with the wicked…because he does not fear before God” (8:13). Therefore – “Fear God and keep His commandments” (12:13). Commandments included atonement sacrifices, repentance. Law was guardian that pointed to Jesus Christ (Gal 3:24).

Fear the Lord and Keep His Commandments New Testament Covenant “Conduct yourself with fear throughout the time of your exile” (1 Peter 1:17). “Work out your salvation with fear and trembling” (Php 2:12). As “exiles”, “keep your conduct…honorable” (1 Pe 2:11-12). “If you love me, keep my commands” (Jn 14:15-21; 1 Jn 5:3).

Where fear turns to peace: Fix your gaze “above the sun”, onto the -- Son.

So What? God’s Sovereignty – Man’s Responsibility Fear God. Keep His commandments. Do good. Do the works He prepared for us to walk in before the foundation of the world. Preach the gospel to yourself everyday. Like Solomon, proclaim the gospel to others.

Pilgrims in Exile “Conduct yourself with fear throughout the time of your exile.” (1 Pe 1:17)