Appointment with Love By: Sulamith Ish-Kishor Anticipation Guide It is possible to love someone you have never met? Agree/Disagree People who experience trauma or stress together develop a strong bond. Agree/Disagree When given a choice, people will always choose outer beauty over inner beauty. Agree/Disagree A person’s loyalty should be tested in order to develop trust. Agree/Disagree
Japanese WWII fighter plane – Pack of Zeros
Grand Central Station New York City
What a lieutenant in the army might look like in 1940’s
Woman’s Fashion – 1940’s
Uncle SamNovel mentioned in the story.
Use the following to help you complete your organizer. A beautiful young woman asked Lieutenant Blandford, “Going my way, soldier?” Lieutenant Blandford’s plane was caught in the midst of a pack of Zeros The gray haired woman told Lieutenant Blandford she had two boys with Uncle Sam. Lieutenant Blandford found Hollis’s address in a New York City phone book.