Two half-day seminars on the remaining work packages to complete the MEDICIS Facility POWER CONVERTERS FOR MEDICIS Davide Aguglia & Julien Parra-Lopez on behalf of TE/EPC 2 March TE/EPC Power converters for MEDICIS
Outline TE/EPC Power converters for MEDICIS Equipment overview Items not included within TE/EPC Cost estimate Resources Schedule Conclusion
Equipment overview TE/EPC Power converters for MEDICIS Today total of: 23 power converters with control systems + 9 in option 1 isolation transformer + MCB
TE/EPC Power converters for MEDICIS 60kV platform for power converters Powered by Isolated 400VAC transformer Insulated cable tray Equipment overview Example of similar/smaller installation in ISOLDE OFFLINE 60kV Isolation 400VAC transformer
TE/EPC Power converters for MEDICIS Equipment overview Items to be delivered by TE/EPC – Target & ion source ItemI [A]V [V]Reg. in: StabilityReference/setting resolution Target Heating120015Current1x10 -3 – 0.1% 3.1x10 -3 – 0.31% Proposed by EPC High end for EPC necessary? Line Heating60010Current1x10 -3 – 0.1% Ion Source 15300Voltage1x10 -4 – 0.01% Ion Source 25300Voltage1x10 -4 – 0.01% Mass Marker Current1x10 -3 – 0.1% Mass Marker Current1x10 -3 – 0.1% Magnet Target1024Current1x10 -3 – 0.1% Pre-extraction0.04+/-3500Voltage1x10 -4 – 0.01% Extraction0.002+/-60000Voltage1x10 -4 – 0.01% All power converters are DC!
TE/EPC Power converters for MEDICIS Equipment overview Items to be delivered by TE/EPC – Beam line ItemI [A]V [V]Reg. in:StabilityReference/setting resolution H deflector Voltage 1x10 -4 – 0.01% 3.1x10 -3 – 0.31% Proposed by EPC High end for EPC necessary? H deflector H deflector H deflector V deflector V deflector V deflector V deflector Einzel lens All power converters are DC!
TE/EPC Power converters for MEDICIS Equipment overview Items to be delivered by TE/EPC – Options added 2 days ago! ItemI [A]V [V]Reg. in:StabilityReference/setting resolution H deflector Voltage 1x10 -4 – 0.01% 3.1x10 -3 – 0.31% Proposed by EPC High end for EPC necessary? H deflector H deflector H deflector V deflector V deflector V deflector V deflector Einzel lens All power converters are DC!
TE/EPC Power converters for MEDICIS Equipment overview Items to be delivered by TE/EPC – Other grounded items ItemI [A]V [V]Reg. in:StabilityReference/setting resolution Double focusing 140?40?Current 100ppm? (FGC3)TBD Switchyard left Voltage 1x10 -4 – 0.01% 3.1x10 -3 – 0.31% Proposed by EPC High end for EPC necessary? Switchyard left Voltage 1x10 -4 – 0.01% Switchyard right Voltage 1x10 -4 – 0.01% Switchyard right Voltage 1x10 -4 – 0.01% Insulating transformer 75/75400/ MCB32400 AC - -- All power converters are DC! Other Deliverables Complete control system from converters to FEC (included) Tests, installation, commissioning, operation & maintenance
TE/EPC Power converters for MEDICIS Remote control concept Equipment overview Depending on precision specs
TE/EPC Power converters for MEDICIS Items not included within TE/EPC Power network 400VAC distribution → EN/EL DC cabling on earth side → EN/EL Vacuum and cooling Interlocks distribution → EN/STI Mechanical design & manufacturing of HV Platform → EN/STI
TE/EPC Power converters for MEDICIS Cost Estimate DesignationQuantityPrice (kCHF)Remark Target Heating120 Line Heating114 Ions source25 Mass marker210 Magnet target15 Pre-extraction112 Extraction118 Deflectors816 Einzel lens115 Magnet separator130Included FGC3 Switchyard415 Insulated transformer130Included MCB PLC control150Interfaces and controller Front-end computer220 Depending on precision specs
TE/EPC Power converters for MEDICIS Cost Estimate DesignationQuantityPrice (kCHF) Power converter summary23~190 Control devices & infrastructure23~70 Installation (included Manpower)-~60 If options included9~50 TOTAL (with FGC3 for magnet)~370 TOTAL (without FGC3 for magnet)~350 This is a preliminary estimation, request to EPC still not final Once power converters functional specification approved (prepared by TE/EPC), the final cost estimation can be released
TE/EPC Power converters for MEDICIS Resources (FTEs) unitItemFTE EFTE C TE/EPC/FPCDesign, purchasing, tests, etc TE/EPC/LPCMagnet converter (separator) TE/EPC/HPMCalibration/performances-0.1 TE/EPC/CCSControl PLC+FGC30.3- Total ~1.3 FTEs. FTEs not foreseen in 2016!
TE/EPC Power converters for MEDICIS Schedule Ideal schedule if all FTEs were available Activity or milestoneDate Request from EN/STI clarifiedMar (end) EPC project mandate signed (EDMS approval)Mar (end) EPC functional spec. (EDMS approval)Apr Budget code obtainedApr Purchasing's + production + qualificationFeb x DOs>50kCHF prep. + contract placedJun Converters delivered to CERN: >4 monthsNov PLC, rack assembly, Distrib. ChassisDec Installation: 6 weeksFeb (end) EPC ready for commissioningMar. 2017
TE/EPC Power converters for MEDICIS Schedule Considering projects priorities within EPC (LIU in primis with EYETS works) Making an effort and providing FTEs in 2016 to launch orders Here is a realistic and still tight schedule for EPC: MarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDecJanFebMarAprMayJun EN/STI Request clarification EPC projetc mandate signed EPC func. Spec. Approved Budget code obtained Purchasings -Conv. DOs preparation -Conv. contracts placed -Conv. Delivered -Conv. Tested -Chassis ready Installation EPC ready for commissioning EYETS reminder
Conclusion TE/EPC Power converters for MEDICIS Complete draft request received Feb Detailed request still to be finalised Since then EPC: Is preparing a detailed functional spec. Discussed (group level) priorities for 2016 Proposed schedule already impacts 2016 EPC objectives Earliest date for project completion is June 2017 Reminder: delivery date ≡ EPC Func. Spec. signed + 13 months!
Thank you very much! 18