From Word to Web development of online interventions Andrée J. van Emst London, 2009
Overview Objectives ‘Stone Age’ Word ( ) Word and Web ( ) Web ( ) Where are we now? Where do we go? Questions/Discussion
Objectives interventions STIVORO Raise the use of evidence-based support Help people to choose an intervention
System of interventions Clinical guideline: Stepped care Evidence based: Behavioural interventions Pharmacotherapy (> 10 cig/day)
‘Stone Age’ (before 1997) Brochure Group training ‘Take Your Chance’
Word (‘1st revolution’,1997) Tailored advice version 1: paper and pencil questionnaire and letter
Word ( ) Tailored advice and telephone counseling
Word and Web (2001) Tailored advice version 2: online questionnaire and paper letter
Word and Web (2002) Decision aid version 1: paper and pencil/online questionnaires
Word and Web (2002) StopMail (After Care): online and paper questionnaire/ and paper letters
Word and Web (2003) Tailored advice version 3: online questionnaire and (html/pdf) (paper still available)
Web (2005) Tailored advice version 4: online questionnaire, advice on screen and StopMail: only online questionnaire and
Web (2005) Tailored advice pregnant women
Web (2006) Decision aid version 2: ‘Triage’ tool online
Triage/level of intervention Triage is meant to: ensure that each smoker receives the most appropriate level of intervention (McDonald, 2006) Level 1: Information Level 2: Minimal intervention Level 3: Treatment
Level of pharmacotherapy intervention (>10 cig/day) Level 1: Nicotine replacement therapy Level 2: Nicotine replacement therapy or medication
Example triage tool
Results Triage Tool (2007) (N=50875)
Web (2008) The StopSite
Web (2008) The StopSIte: forum and ‘stopmeter’
Where are we now? Integrated online system (test and production)
Development and test tool Web-based application to develop tailored materials.
Content Management System Example CMS tailored advice pregnant women
Online data collection Total online interventions / :
Where do we go?
‘Stepped care’ online Triage Tailored Advice StopMail StopSite StopSite + Information Min. InterventionTreatment
StopSite+ (2009/2010)
Research data Dijkstra, A Computer-tailored interventions for smoking cessation Willemsen, M. Wiebing,M. Van Emst,A. Zeeman,G Helping smokers to decide on the use of efficacious smoking cessation methods Te Poel, F. (submitted) Efficacy of a web-delivered computer tailored smoking cessation intervention: results after six months Willemsen, M. Van Emst, A. Wiebing, M StopMail: Effectiveness of an Automated Relapse Prevention Intervention for Smoking Cessation Kramer,J. Willemsen, M. Conijn, B. Van Emst, A. Brunsting, S. Riper, H Effectiveness of a web-based self-help smoking cessation intervention