4A2C0040 黃慈樺 4A2C0055 鄭詠心
Poses: bring about. Imminent: urgently about to happen. Metrics: a method of measuring something, or the results obtained from this. Phenomenon: a fact or situation that is observed to exist or happen, especially one whose cause or explanation is in question. Brain drain: the emigration of highly trained or intelligent people from a particular country. Dwindling labor force: diminish of the members of population who are able to work. Be unfolding: is going to happen.
Taiwan is set to surpass Japan as Asia's fastest aging nation this decade, and it’s harm for future economic. HSBC noted that the East Asian 'tigers' (South Korea, Hong Kong, Taiwan and Singapore) were expected to age at rates even quicker than that of Japan. If the populations still decline, economic growth is set to drop 0.9 percentage point per years, which means growth will slide to 2.6 percent by The important thing is that the government must boost immigration and improve productivity to compensate for the loss from a declining working-age population.
Brain drain problem It’s a serious problem that most of young Taiwanese want to find a job abroad. A part of them are leaving to mainland China. more than 1 million Taiwanese live in China, or roughly 5 percent of Taiwan's population. The government needs to lure youth back by creating more opportunities to empower them, especially in the manufacturing sector.
↑ Willingness of young people to work on the mainland employment
Our role is young Taiwanese. Our opinions is very clear. We face many stressful problems. We have to take care our parents and afford higher and higher inflation. That means that we need to earn more money. That’s why we don’t want to have children. And for higher salary, we also consider about find a job abroad.
In addition to find a job abroad, we can consider about some good companies in Taiwan. Maybe the salary is not good as the other countries. But we can accompany our parents longer time. Nothing is more important than you really accompany them.
In US and UK Their governments build many apartments or nursing homes for elderly people. They can get very suitable care on these places. And their salary is higher than us. Their employers is willing to give higher salary to find good employees.
What can we learn from them? Our government can learn this policy or give subsidies to private nursing homes. Our government can set a law for some companies which didn’t give suitable salary to their employees.