Chapter 13 Leadership Across Cultures
Foundation for Leadership Leadership- Influencing people to direct their efforts toward the achievement of some particular goal (s) Leadership- Influencing people to direct their efforts toward the achievement of some particular goal (s) Ack Ack Ack Ack What's the difference between a leader and a manager? What's the difference between a leader and a manager? KQw KQw KQw KQw
Perceived Differences: Leaders vs. Managers Table 13-1 p. 457 Table 13-1 p. 457 Managers don’t perform the unique functions of leaders, consist of sheer responsibility, follow company objectives/rules to maintain stability as they react to inevitable change, and striving to always do things right Managers don’t perform the unique functions of leaders, consist of sheer responsibility, follow company objectives/rules to maintain stability as they react to inevitable change, and striving to always do things right Leaders guide/motivate team members, extremely visible, get the right people in the right positions, motivate them, money,matters become a secondary objective, proactive behavior, and to drive to ultimately do the right thing Leaders guide/motivate team members, extremely visible, get the right people in the right positions, motivate them, money,matters become a secondary objective, proactive behavior, and to drive to ultimately do the right thing
Theories X, Y, and Z X Manager= one is lazy, coercion/threats of punishment must be used to get them to work X Manager= one is lazy, coercion/threats of punishment must be used to get them to work Y Manager= under right conditions one works hard and seek increased responsibility/challenge Y Manager= under right conditions one works hard and seek increased responsibility/challenge Z Manager= believes workers seek opportunities to participate in management & are motivated by teamwork & responsibility sharing Z Manager= believes workers seek opportunities to participate in management & are motivated by teamwork & responsibility sharing
Leadership Behaviors & Styles Authoritarian- The use of work-centered behavior designed to ensure task accomplishment Authoritarian- The use of work-centered behavior designed to ensure task accomplishment Paternalistic- The use of work-centered behavior coupled with a protective employee- centered concern Paternalistic- The use of work-centered behavior coupled with a protective employee- centered concern Participative- The use of both work-or-task- centered & people centered approaches to leading subordinates Participative- The use of both work-or-task- centered & people centered approaches to leading subordinates
Leadership in the International Context European Managers use a highly participative leadership approach French & Germans use a authoritarian approach What is relevant with the study by Haire et al? The leadership-related of the study determined mgrs were traditional (Theory X) or democratic- participative (Theory Y)
4 Areas to Leadership per Haire et al. (Theory Y & X) 1) Capacity for leadership & initiative 2) Sharing information & objectives 3) Participation 4) Internal Control
Table 13-3 p. 466 shows the Clusters of Countries in their study Anglo leaders tend to have MORE faith in the capacity of their people for leadership/initiative, they share info, objectives are important, more autocratic responses, and external rewards Anglo leaders tend to have MORE faith in the capacity of their people for leadership/initiative, they share info, objectives are important, more autocratic responses, and external rewards MhlA MhlA MhlA MhlA
Leadership Approaches Japanese Japanese Greater belief for subordinates for leadership/initiative, express attitudes toward the use of participation, share info/objectives, allow to actively participate in decisions Greater belief for subordinates for leadership/initiative, express attitudes toward the use of participation, share info/objectives, allow to actively participate in decisions =xtMO9A-6Fe8 =xtMO9A-6Fe8 =xtMO9A-6Fe8 =xtMO9A-6Fe8 China Individualism (Newer Generation)- Self- sufficiency/personal accomplishments Collectivism (Current Generation)- Willingness to subordinate personal goals to those of the work group w/an emphasis on sharing /group harmony Confucianism (Older)- Assigned to societal harmony, virtuous behavior, personal./interpersonal harmony
Leadership in… Middle East Middle East Have higher attitude scores for capacity for leadership/initiative, highly educated, and participative leadership Have higher attitude scores for capacity for leadership/initiative, highly educated, and participative leadership India More productive when managers took a high people/high task approach (participative), focus on the individual, bound by old traditions atch?v=28FuKwcn35M atch?v=28FuKwcn35M atch?v=te7JkdUZhIY atch?v=te7JkdUZhIY
Leadership in Latin America Mexico- Authoritarian and Participative, mgrs who welcome input from subordinates viewed as weak/incompetent, moving to modern style leader Mexico- Authoritarian and Participative, mgrs who welcome input from subordinates viewed as weak/incompetent, moving to modern style leader Chile, Argentina, Bolivia- Authoritarian Chile, Argentina, Bolivia- Authoritarian
Facts…in North Korea korea-s-hottest-hairstyles-are-not-really- optional html korea-s-hottest-hairstyles-are-not-really- optional html korea-s-hottest-hairstyles-are-not-really- optional html korea-s-hottest-hairstyles-are-not-really- optional html
Men too…
3 Leadership Types Transformational- Visionary agents with a sense of mission & who are capable of motivating their followers to accept new goals & new ways of doing things Transformational- Visionary agents with a sense of mission & who are capable of motivating their followers to accept new goals & new ways of doing things Transactional- One who exchanges rewards for effort & performance & work on a “something for something” basis Transactional- One who exchanges rewards for effort & performance & work on a “something for something” basis Charismatic- One who inspires/motivates EE’s through their traits/abilities Charismatic- One who inspires/motivates EE’s through their traits/abilities
Most effective leader is… Transformational with characterized with the 4 I’s Transformational with characterized with the 4 I’s Idealized Influence Idealized Influence Inspirational Motivation Inspirational Motivation Intellectual Stimulation Intellectual Stimulation Individualism Consideration Individualism Consideration
Qualities for Successful Leaders Table 13-6 p. 476 Table 13-6 p. 476 Advertisements in newspapers for leadership qualities Advertisements in newspapers for leadership qualities kSkY kSkY kSkY kSkY
Culture Clusters & Leader Effectiveness Table 13-7 p. 477 Table 13-7 p. 477 Rankings of Leadership Attributes Rankings of Leadership Attributes Affective Cultures- leaders tend to exhibit their emotions Affective Cultures- leaders tend to exhibit their emotions Neutral Cultures- leaders do not tend to show their emotions Neutral Cultures- leaders do not tend to show their emotions
Table 13-8 p. 479 Affective vs. Neutral Cultures when… Affective vs. Neutral Cultures when… Managing or Being Managed Managing or Being Managed Doing Business with Individuals Doing Business with Individuals Recognize the way in which people behave in either culture Recognize the way in which people behave in either culture
Types of Other Leaderships Authentic- Authentic- They posses positive psychological aspects as confidence/optimism, positive morals to guide them, lead by example and performs above expected standards They posses positive psychological aspects as confidence/optimism, positive morals to guide them, lead by example and performs above expected standards It’s becoming MORE important in the global marketed world, due to it creates a better understanding It’s becoming MORE important in the global marketed world, due to it creates a better understanding
Types of Other Leaderships Ethical- Ethical- Provides the philosophical basis for responsible business practices Provides the philosophical basis for responsible business practices Responsible- Responsible- Values based leadership, ethical decision- making, quality stakeholder relationships Values based leadership, ethical decision- making, quality stakeholder relationships Servant- Servant- Achieving results by giving priority attention to the needs of their colleagues & those they serve Achieving results by giving priority attention to the needs of their colleagues & those they serve