DOWNLOAD THE MOBILE APP How to download app? Download the application APK file from “Google Play Store” in Mobile. Once you download, an APK file by the name of “SPS.apk” will be downloaded on your mobile device/Smartphone. How to install the app Make Sure that the device memory is cleared of unwanted files in gallery or unwanted content to increase the memory on the tablet. Make sure that android version must be 4.0 or higher and minimum required RAM size is 1GB. Check Android Version : Go to Setting -> About Phone -> Android version. GPS Location in settings must be enabled and set to High accuracy. Device must have 3G internet connectivity.
When the Mobile application is opened for the first time then the Master Data gets downloaded so kindly wait until the download is complete Please Wait do not exit the application, Master Data is getting downloaded
Login Screen Enter Aadhaar Number The Login screen requires the Enumerator’s Aadhaar number to login to the app. 898014029506 Please Enter Valid Aadhaar Number If unregistered Aadhaar number is entered or incorrectly, this error is shown. The user number must be registered before enumeration begins for SPS
Biometric SDK Selection Based on the Biometric device carried by the Enumerator he has to select the Device type then only the Biometric Authentication of the user of the device begins.
Biometric Verification Capture Biometric Shows Device is Disconnected 890814029506 Initiated or Connect Captured Biometric Finger Print Reading is shown After Biometrics is captured then select Proceed to validate the Biometrics with UIDA for authenticity of the user as per records.
Biometric Validation Biometric Validation process remain the same and needs to be repeated whenever EKYC is Required or Biometric Authentication is required for Enumerator (or) for each House Hold member during the SPS survey.
Enumerator Block Selection EB Selection: NEXT EB Selection* District/ Mandal/ Panchayat/ EB Krishna/Nujuvidu/Ramapuram/EB1 --------------------------------------------Krishna/Nujuvidu/Ramapuram/EB4 --------------------------------------------- Enumerator has to select the Enumeration Block for which he intends to do the SPS survey. List of registered EB assigned to the enumerator will be listed as shown.
Starting Screen Details of Panchayat allotted to Enumerator GPS of house hold will be captured Image of house will be captured Enumerator selects House Hold Status During his visit from the following options House Hold Status/* Visited (All HH Members Available) Visited (Few HH Members Available) Visited (No HH Members Available) House Hold Status/*
After Capturing GPS or Image the button turns green
If “Visited ( No HH Member Available) is selected then building name, Street Name, District Name Mandal Name, Village Name, Ward No, Pin Code needs to be collected and Zipper Code needs to be generated If “ Visited ( All HH Members Available) (Few HH Members Available) then Create House hold information using options displayed
Create House Hold Using Ration Card Aadhaar Card No RC/Aadhaar Homeless/Destitute If Ration Card or Aadhaar Card is available then enter the details and select the EB HH No. from EB list. Select Dwelling type for Zipper generation Select Dwelling Area Type Single / Individual Portion Multi Portion Building
Zipper Code Generation Select Dwelling type for Zipper generation: Select Dwelling Area Type Single / Individual Portion Multi Portion Building If a dwelling area type is Single/Individual Portion then the Zipper Code is Generated for the Dwelling If a dwelling area type is Multi Portion Building then the Enumerator needs be at the first floor or first house then the Zipper is created for that building if he is at the next portion or Next floor then he will have the Building zipper as default, floor details and then the new zipper will be generated for the second portion in the same dwelling floor wise.
Zipper Code Note: When enumerator moves to the next Dwelling then the Building Zipper Colum needs to be cleared before getting the new zipper code.
Household Details Aadhaar ID/ Ration Card etc and On clicking submit, the Card information is verified in the database then only screen for collecting of household details is shown. Clicking the religion, a selection screen is shown. Upon selecting a religion the selection box turns green. On selecting any text box for input Text box turns green. It indicates user has selected or entered value for that field and shows that the data for that parameter is complete
Household Information
Household Information House Hold Information as following to be collected: Religion Caste Category Caste Synonyms of Caste Nomadic/SEMI Nomadic Mother Tongue Address Building Name/ Door No Street Name District Mandal Village/Town Ward No. Pin Code
Household Information
Household Information
Household Information
Household Information
Household Information List of Family member details will be listed as in master database and new member details can be added or deleted from the house hold information. After house hold information each individual needs to be enumerated for individual details along with individual biometric verification to complete enumeration process.
Individual Information Select one house hold member and the following Individual inputs are to be captured against each individual in the family
Individual Information
Individual Information On selecting any other option other than unmarried the age at the time of marriage has to be specified in the next Colum.
Individual Information
Individual Information
Individual Information
Individual Information
Individual Information
Individual Information
Individual Information On selecting yes for public representative options are displayed to choose from
Individual Information If scheme details are not correct then the option to delete it is also provided. If schemes are not mapped then new scheme details can be added against that individual.
Mapped Scheme Details The Scheme names are populated in the list for selection and scheme Id has to be entered manually and on clicking the submit button the scheme is saved.
If all the members in the family are enumerated then the individual member status will be updated to indicate the completion of enumeration process for the House hold and family members.
Self Declaration and Biometric Authentication SUBMIT Self Declaration: I hereby declare that the details furnished above are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. In case any of the above information is found to be false or untrue or misleading or misrepresenting, I am aware that I may be held liable for it. I hereby authorize sharing of the information furnished on this SPS Digital form with the SPS Enumerator. I Agree
Regarding Login: Error message – “User Does not exist. Please contact application service provider”? This error message displayed due to User information not available in Enumeration database. District Coordinator can solve this problem through his Login by updating mobile number for enumeration. Regarding Capturing GPS & Photographs: What to do if Latitude and Longitude are not showing? If such error occurs, Close the mobile app and check GPS setting and make sure GPS is enabled (switched on) and accuracy is set to High. Now, start mobile app again. Why app close automatically during photo capture or Register HH Photographs? This error may occur due to several reasons: There is not enough available RAM for the processing. So, close unused applications and clear cache memory using Clean Master. If there is no Clean master is installed on phone download it from using any browser.
Regarding Photographs Uploading: It shows message “Uploading photographs” and a circle is turning but no photographs are uploaded? Mobile network connectivity is poor. There is not enough memory in RAM to perform uploading. What is the Time limit to upload photo captured by Mobile app? Online: photo will be uploaded immediately. Offline: photo will be uploaded immediately if the network is available, otherwise data will be saved locally. Once the network is available during app load, form load, form submits to the server. How much time it will take for uploading photographs? The time limit for uploading data to server will depend on following parameters: Network speed. Number of records available in the offline database. Size of the image.
My Mobile App appears to work very slowly. Why? Regarding Speed: My Mobile App appears to work very slowly. Why? Reasons for slow Mobile Internet Speed could be due to: a. Poor Network Coverage Area. b. Poor Network Configuration or Settings in your Mobile. c. RAM size of device. d. Bandwidth available at the time of usage. e. Data Plan Restriction. f. Multiple App’s running on the device simultaneously. Processor issues. You may check the above aspects, rectify and retry. Unwanted apps on the device reducing the space and performance of the device. How to increase my Mobile app Speed? User can try one or more options listed below for better app performance: a. Make sure to use Internet at Good Network coverage areas. b. Clean or Free Your Phone Memory. c. Remove Old History. d. Never run Multiple Applications on the device. e. Do not Load Your Mobile with lots of Apps. f. Remove unnecessary app. g. Disable Auto-Update Feature for Applications it will reduce RAM space.
Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Installation: If an error occurred during installation of application as – App not installed or Application error? This problem occurs when APK is not downloaded properly. Please download the application file again.
Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Installation: If installation from download folder gives error – cannot open this file? It is suggested to download file explorer and then install the APK from the download folder. How to download file explorer? It can be downloaded from through any browser (chrome, Firefox, internet explorer). If an error occurred during installation of application as – App not installed or Application error? This problem occurs when APK is not downloaded properly. Please download the application file again.
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