The Role of Evidence in VET Policies - Challenges and Lessons learned „Quality Development in VET – from Check to Act“ November , 2012, Vienna Mag. Jürgen Horschinegg Federal Ministry of Education, the Arts and Culture Strategy and Quality Development in VET, Department II/7
Overview I.Research in VET Methods, fields and implications II.Quality in VET – Policy context and initiatives EQAVET, QIBB, Kompetenzorientierte Lehrpläne III.Creating Evidence Evidence-based decision-making within the context of QIBB IV.Trends and Challenges
VET Research in Austria
I. Research in VET
Close cooperation with research institutions and HE institutions Applied (contract) research and independent basic research Target-oriented exploitation of research findings Project-specific accompanying research and continous provision of expertise and consulting for decision makers (e.g. implementation of National Qualifications Framework) I. Research in VET
Fields of Research: Monitoring of Labour Market and Education and Training, Skills Forecasts, Initial VET and Continuing VET, Adult education, Evaluation, Economics, European Initiatives and transparency tools (EQF, ECVET, ESCO…) Means and Methods: Data and Statistics, Evaluation of reforms and initiatives, Accompanying Research, demand and acceptance analyses, international and comparative Studies I. Research in VET
EQARF – European Quality Assurance Reference Framework Designed to promote better vocational education and training by providing authorities with common tools for the management of quality Part of European series of initiatives for better recognition of qualifications and learning outcomes across Europe Europass European principles for the identification and validation of non-formal and informal learning ECVET European Qualifications Framework for Lifelong Learning II. Quality in VET
EQAVET – European Quality Assurance in Vocational Education and Training Community of practice Brings together Member States, Social Partners and European Commission to discuss and enhance quality assurance mechanisms in VET Facilitates implementation of EQARF through Mutual learning and consensus building Developing a culture of quality Promoting the quality assurance dimenstion of EQF and ECVET Higher levels of cooperation and synergies II. Quality in VET
II. Qualität in der Berufsbildung QIBB is the one single framework for quality assurance that captures all school types in invitial VET in Austria QIBB engages all administrative levels (schools, school inspectorates, ministry) QIBB supports the development of common strategies and offers enough space for the characteristics of the various school types QIBB is in line with national and international quality management systems QIBB takes into account EQAVET and other European developments QIBB – QualitätsIniative BerufsBildung
QIBB - the ‚common roof‘ covering various quality initiatives run by different school types in initial VET II. Quality in VET
Creating Evidence for Quality
Permanent/systemic measures and programmes QIBB - Austrian VET Quality Initiative Austrian Conference on VET Research Monitoring of VET research and findings (A, CH, DE) – Newsletter One-off projects and initiatives „Antizip“, Project on VET in Austria Evaluation of data collection regarding 10 Quality Indicators recommended by EQAVET Various studies commissioned by the Ministry of Education III. Creating Evidence for Qualtiy Evidence-based policy in AT
QIBB annual data collection through - individual feedback - system feedback - peer review in QIBB Austrian Conference on VET Research - biennal conference - interchange of researchers and practitioners in VET Montitoring of VET research: AT, CH, DE, - Newsletter published 3x/4x per year addressed at heads of VET-departments of BMUKK QIBB annual data collection through - individual feedback - system feedback - peer review in QIBB Austrian Conference on VET Research - biennal conference - interchange of researchers and practitioners in VET Montitoring of VET research: AT, CH, DE, - Newsletter published 3x/4x per year addressed at heads of VET-departments of BMUKK III. Creating Evidence for Qualtiy Permanent/systemic measures
„ANTIZIP“ - Mechanisms of Anticipation Research project on VET in Austria and the requirements of the labour market Mutual study visits for gaining information about other countries‘ VET policies (e.g. Norway Austria) Various studies on European instruments: ECVET, ESCO, EQF… and other VET initiatives „ANTIZIP“ - Mechanisms of Anticipation Research project on VET in Austria and the requirements of the labour market Mutual study visits for gaining information about other countries‘ VET policies (e.g. Norway Austria) Various studies on European instruments: ECVET, ESCO, EQF… and other VET initiatives III. Creating Evidence for Qualtiy One-off projects and initiatives
Trends & Challenges
Definitions – What counts as evidence? Interface – Research, Policy, Practice Enhanced cooperation & communication of researchers (HE and non-HE research institutions) Generating data and steering information QIBB: Research on impact analysis is required to proof the effects of QIBB an educational attainment EQAVET-Qualitiy-Indicators: Complementing availible data on national level Enhanced monitoring IV. Trends and Challenges
Jürgen Horschinegg Federal Ministry for Education, Arts and Culture Head of Department II/7: Strategy & Quality Development in VET Minoritenplatz 5 A-1014 Vienna Tel.: Fax: Thank you for your attention!