Classroom Newsletter Important Dates: Oct. 5- P.D. Day- no school Oct. 6-Waste Water Trip 1:30 Oct. 8, 15, 29- Swim 2-3 p.m. Oct. 12- Thanksgiving Day Oct. 20- Galt Museum 9-11 a.m. Oct. 21-School Council 6:30 p.m. Oct. 22- P.D. Day no school p.m. Oct. 23- P.D. Day no school Oct. 27- Free Chinook Music Matinee Oct. 30- Halloween Parade 8:45 DRIVERS NEEDED PLEASE: I would like to thank Mr. Ogilvie and Mrs. Klippenstein for offering to drive on October 6 th at 1:00-3:00 to the Waste Water treatment plant. We are still in need of two drivers for that afternoon. Please contact me ASAP if you are able to drive. Thank you! Mrs. Neher Grade Four
Classroom Newsletter Learning Updates: SCIENCE: we have studied the effects of waste in our world and many students have felt strongly about creating an action plan. We are reviewing the 3 R’s and students may have conversations with their parents about how they can create change in their home and at school. We have a goal to use less paper in the classroom. WRITING: we will be learning to use VOICES (Voice, Organizations, Ideas, Conventions, Excellent Word Choice and Sentence Fluency) in our writing. MATH- we will continue to study place value and how it applies to addition and subtraction of 2 and 3 digit numbers Leader in Me We are working on creating our Class Mission statement and have reviewed Habit 1. We will learn about Habit 2 this week. Please ask students to explain Habit 1 (Be Proactive). Agendas and Please read your child’s agenda everyday and discuss about the daily goals or the learning activities. This is an important way for students to share information and progress. If you would like to be on my list please me at We welcome Mr. Sandau into our classroom on Tuesdays and Thursdays. He is an Ed2500 student from the University of Lethbridge.
Classroom Newsletter Spelling Program On Mondays your child will write a list of 10 spelling words in their agenda. These words will be selected based on an individual assessment that I completed for each student. They will also write 5 sight words. The students come to understand that these are the “no excuse” words and they are expected to spell them correctly when writing. Students will be given daily opportunities to study and improve phonetic skills and learn about words in a differentiated setting (at their own level). Please practice these words with your child throughout the week. Research indicates that, in many cases students spell words correctly on a test, but fail to transfer this knowledge in their everyday writing. The real test of spelling is the way that students spell in their everyday work. With this is mind, my assessment will be based primarily on writing samples and NOT on how they score on quizzes. We will study spelling and sight words daily during Daily 5 Word Work time and will only do occasional quizzes.