Antelope Surveys and Permit Issuance Bo Adkins Wildlife Biologist Texas Parks and Wildlife Dumas Texas
Survey Methods Surveys conducted annually starting first week of June Fixed wing aircraft 2 observers 1 pilot 100 ft. or less ~ knots (depending on wind speed)
Survey Methods North and South flight path ¼ mile apart Animals are identified as Male or Female Separated into age class Adult or Fawn First 4 hours of daylight and the last 4
Survey Methods Flights are conducted in Herd Units
Herd Units Herd Units are defined based on geographic and man made borders
Permit Issuance Herd unit populations are based on annual flights Available permits are based on Surplus Bucks per acre Surplus Bucks are determined by applying a 1:4 post hunt sex ratio
Example Herd Unit X =1000 acres 25 Bucks 50 Does Surplus Buck = 25B-(50D/4) = SB12.5 SB/Acre = HUAc.1,000/SB 12.5 = 80 Ac. Available SB = applied for acres/SB per acre Available SB = 600 Ac./80 SB per Ac.= 7.5
Example In this example we have 2 applicants 300 acres each Determine what proportion each applicant has of the applied for acres=.50 or 50% Then we establish points per applicant 50% x 7.5 Both applicants have 3.75 pts. Each applicant will receive 3 Permits
Permit Issuance Acreage does play a role in the number of permits issued but is dependent how well each Herd Unit counts as well as Buck:Doe ratios What about the small acreage applicants?
Permit Issuance Last year 306 parcels applied for ~250 landowners Thank Goodness for Microsoft Excel!