Created by, R.N.Wankhed, SA Malegaon, MAHARASHTRA (MH) created by R.N.Wankhed,SA Malegaon
“For got electronically data for COD Article” *Invoicing –Parcels - Bag Receiving
Select the Bag Type and enter the *Bag Number *Office of Dispatch & click on OK Button created by R.N.Wankhed,SA Malegaon
“Click on Parcel Bag Opening ” created by R.N.Wankhed,SA Malegaon
Enter the Bag Number Select the article type & enter the article number click on ok button created by R.N.Wankhed,SA Malegaon
“Login as Supervisor” created by R.N.Wankhed,SA Malegaon
Click on Tools *Request-Resend Parcel COD Booking data 8 created by R.N.Wankhed,SA Malegaon
9 This menu show only those articles whose electronically data is not received *Select the article number and click on SendRequest created by R.N.Wankhed,SA Malegaon
*Run the Rnet Communication after Request send to central server 10 created by R.N.Wankhed,SA Malegaon
11 *Run the Rnet Communication and call server continue 3-5 minutes created by R.N.Wankhed,SA Malegaon
12 Login as Operator created by R.N.Wankhed,SA Malegaon
13 Click on *COD Article—Article for Delivery—Post Sorting for invoice to Postman created by R.N.Wankhed,SA Malegaon
Select the beat number for issue and click on fetch button created by R.N.Wankhed,SA Malegaon
Select article number and click on ok button 15 created by R.N.Wankhed,SA Malegaon
Select Report option and click on cod article- Delivery slip Slip created by R.N.Wankhed,SA Malegaon
Select the COD article and click on ok button created by R.N.Wankhed,SA Malegaon
Click on file button and click print button created by R.N.Wankhed,SA Malegaon
Return –COD Article procedure created by R.N.Wankhed,SA Malegaon
Select return option and select the cod article and remark which postman created by R.N.Wankhed,SA Malegaon
After Delivered of COD article and go to Treasury & login as treasurer created by R.N.Wankhed,SA Malegaon
Receipts-Postman returns and select beat number and receive the cash created by R.N.Wankhed,SA Malegaon
Select Postman name and click on ok button created by R.N.Wankhed,SA Malegaon
Delivered amount of COD article receive created by R.N.Wankhed,SA Malegaon
BO-COD Article Procedure created by R.N.Wankhed,SA Malegaon
Select the BO and click on fetch button created by R.N.Wankhed,SA Malegaon
Login as Supervisor created by R.N.Wankhed,SA Malegaon
Select Treasury Option and click on BO CODs verification created by R.N.Wankhed,SA Malegaon
Subaccount –Operator Login and select daily account and amount fill under BPCOD Collection created by R.N.Wankhed,SA Malegaon
Postman-Supervisor-Treasury-Select BO COD Verification and BO select with account date and click on fetch button created by R.N.Wankhed,SA Malegaon
Select BO Remarks and click on COD article created by R.N.Wankhed,SA Malegaon
Select BO with account date and click on fetch button created by R.N.Wankhed,SA Malegaon
Login as Supervisor created by R.N.Wankhed,SA Malegaon
Select Treasury option & click on BO Cod verification created by R.N.Wankhed,SA Malegaon
Login as Supervisor and submit the postman return & click on ok button created by R.N.Wankhed,SA Malegaon
With best wishes and Good luck created by R.N.Wankhed,SA Malegaon