Healthcare Provider Directory Eric Heflin Dir of Standards and Interoperability/Medicity
Audience/Scope Audience –Senior Healthcare IT Technical Executives –Implementation Architects –Implementers seeking a broad overview Scope –Broad context and guidance about the use of an IHE standard profile for provider
Definitions Healthcare Provider: Org or person. Not other types of providers such as insurance providers. Directory: LDAP: Something that you already have, open, mature, designed for massive scalability, etc…
What Problem is Being Solved? Problem statement: How do we find people and organizations, what are their attributes ( , phone, etc.)
HPD Definition HPD = Healthcare Provider Directory Definition: Designed to maintain a structured list of attributes for both organizations (such as clinics) and people (such as physicians) Allows extensibility Largely semantically interoperable Optional federated updates Leverages ISO Status: Released for Trial Implementation
Provider White Pages PWP slides, compare, contrast PWP=inside an org HPD=across orgs
HPD Maturity New profile in 2010 Went to “Trial Implementation” status in 2010? Interest partly driven by Meaningful Use Scheduled for demonstration by 3? participants in the 2011 IHE Connectathon
HPD Use Case Use case “What’s the phone for the Mayo clinic?”
HPD Transaction Diagram Insert ITI TF transaction diagram
HPD Actors List and define each HPD actor List each HPD transaction
HPD Options List and define each HPD option
HPD Workflow(s) List one or more HPD typical workflows
HPD Security and Privacy Describe how security and privacy are implemented for this profile
HPD Standards Used LDAP based –Configuring a new OU DSML ISO Extension of PWP profile
Security and Privacy XUA++
Provider Directory Architecture Secure IT Infrastructure 3) Healthcare Provider Directory 3) Healthcare Provider Directory 1) Provider Directory Sources 2) Provider Directory Consumer 2) Provider Directory Consumer Add/Update Provider Notify of Change Subscribe Lookup Provider AuthenticationAuditing
HPD Attributes List key types of attributes
HPD Extensibility Indicate that it’s extensible E
References For more information on this topic, please see: –IHE content
Other topics XUA++ public keys can be stored in HPD or PWP