Welcome to CS119 Academic Strategies for Heath Sciences Petra JonesHill, MBA Attention! Write this down You need this information often for your homework! Your course is CS119
Agenda for Seminar 1 Instructor Information Seminar time Kaplan classes How Seminars are Conducted Special Seminar Rules Syllabus Readings Submitting Homework Discussion Expectations Participation Expectations What is due in Week 1
Methods of Communication : – Seminar AIM – Petra4Kaplan
Provide your name, course number and section (i.e. CS119- #), and state exactly what you need from the instructor. Writing s to your instructors
Inappropriate to instructor I missed the seminar. What do you want tme to do? What is wrong with this ?
No greeting No signature No course and section number Too vague Spelling mistakes *Remember s are professional communications between you and your instructors or other KU professionals I missed the seminar. What do you want tme to do?
Appropriate to instructor Hi Professor Harmon, This is Casey Alexander from your CS course. I missed our live seminar last night due to a storm in our area. I will submit option 2. Is there anything else that I need to do? Thank You, Casey Alexander Medical Office Management Mountain Time Zone
How to Ask a Question??
In order to allow anyone that has questions the opportunity to participate, I ask that you simply type // when you have a question. I will see that and know that you have a question. At that point I will “call” on you. If there are many raising their hand at one time please be patient as I call on you individually.
Please take out a piece of paper and pen. You may need this later.
TECH SUPPORT (Toll Free) Remember that your instructor is not equipped to help you with technological issues.
Computer Issues Plan B
Question ??? What are some options you might consider if you experience computer problems—hard drive crash, internet connection problems, etc? Would anyone like to share their “Plan B” with us? No need for the hand for this one just type your answer to resolving this problem.
My Plan B
The Syllabus and Instructor Information is your guide to the class. Hopefully you have had a chance to review it briefly.
So, help me answer a few questions:
When are your assignments due for each unit?
Answer: Assignments are due at the end of each unit. Which is always Tuesday at 11:59 pm EST. That gives you an entire week.
When do I return grades? (This is actually a tricky question)
Answer: Learning Assignments are returned within one week of the due date. Discussion Board grades are returned by Sunday, after the week has ended.
Is There a Penalty if Late Work is Submitted?
Answer: Late work will NOT be accepted unless there are clear and compelling extenuating circumstances.
Please Review In Your Syllabus Late work will not be accepted unless there are clear and compelling extenuating circumstances. If you have extenuating circumstances that prevent you from completing course assignments/exams you must contact your instructor immediately—prior to the assignment/exam/quiz due-date unless prevented from doing so by emergency circumstances. Examples of extenuating circumstances are serious personal and/or family illness/hospitalization, death in the family, weather-related evacuation/emergencies, work emergencies, and issues related to active military assignment. Personal computer/software/internet connectivity issues and course blocks are not considered extenuating circumstances. Granting of late-work submission due to extenuating circumstances is at the discretion of the instructor and will require documentation for verification of extenuating circumstances. If late work submission is granted, the instructor will establish new due-dates and requirements without loss of course points.
Important Notice Students enrolled in CS119 must have a course average of 73% or higher at the end of Unit 3 to be officially enrolled at Kaplan University. If a grade of 73% is not achieved, a student will have their enrollment reversed at the end of Unit 3. At the end of the third week of classes, the University will review the academic performance of online conditionally accepted students. Online students who have earned a grade up to that point of 73 percent or higher for all coursework will become fully instated students, and will only then be eligible to earn financial aid and course grades. Grades for the conditional basis checkpoint at the end of Unit 3 will consist of the CS119 grades in Units 1 through 3 only. Please refer to the KU Catalog Addendum for complete policy details.
When is Seminar?
Great job on the Pop- Quiz, Everyone!
Kaplan Classes Classes are 10 weeks in length -the last week does not have a seminar and it is more for reflection and to say good-bye and exchange s if desired. Each week comprises 1 unit. -Week 1=Unit 1 Units begin every Wednesday and end on the following Tuesday.
Kaplan classes continued Each Unit will include the following: -Seminar -Discussion Some Units include: -Quiz (Units 2 and 3) -Exam (Unit 8) -Project (Units 4,5 and 6) - Assignment- (Unit 7) -Final Project (Unit 9)
How the Seminar is Conducted Seminar time is limited and goes by quickly Please adhere to the following policies to be sure that we can cover everything for the week!
How the Seminar is Conducted… First, when you respond to a comment someone made, preface it with their first name. For example, if their screen name is Mary Smith, say: Mary - What you say is correct. My perspective is ____”
How the Seminar is Conducted… Second, when you want to address the entire class, preface it with “To All”. For example, “To All - I would like to know ____” -Note - Everyone should use upper and lower case in responding. Please do not use all caps.
How the Seminar is Conducted… Third, when you want to address a question I asked or ask me a question, preface it with “Joanie” or “Prof” For example: “Joanie - I would ____”
How the Seminar is Conducted… Fourth, Please refrain from off-topic and sidebar conversation :-)
How the Seminar is Conducted… Fifth, although I may ask a specific question to a specific student you are all welcome to respond to it. -The seminar is a learning experience where you learn from each other. I act as the facilitator. Not everyone has the same view, so don’t take a fellow classmates post as a value judgment on yourself.
How the Seminar is Conducted… Sixth, Student responses should never be one or two words. Most responses like this do not help others to understand what you are saying. -Get into the habit of adding value to each and every response you make.
Make a point to attend Seminar We will be discussing and expanding on the readings. Seminars add to your understanding of the weekly material. In addition, it is a time when we can interact with each other.
Option 1: Attend live seminar Frequent interactions on concepts being discussed by students and instructor Posts are on topic and contribute to the quality of the seminar Student arrives on time and stays the entire seminar Option 2: Upload document to the Dropbox. Response makes informed references to Unit material Response covers each part of the assignment Response is on topic, original, and contributes to the quality of the discussion Student demonstrates ability to apply information through detailed examples Response is clearly written using proper sentence structure and grammar Response meets posted length requirementsSeminar
Special Seminar Rules continued Please do not announce that you are late or that you are leaving the seminar early. Why?--It tends to take the class off-track because people feel rude if they do not acknowledge you. Think about this…. if you were late in a ground class, would you stop the class to announce when you arrived?
Please do not discuss off-topic issues. - For example, if your computer is not working or you are having trouble staying connected, instructors and classmates have no way to help you and the seminar needs to continue despite your issues. We have so much material to cover in the hour Meanwhile, you can call Tech Support to get the help you need.
Special Seminar rules As a review, conduct yourself as you would in a traditional class setting. Let’s save the last five minutes of the seminar for questions because chances are that any questions you come with will be covered during the seminar.
Course Expectations These are located in your Syllabus
Syllabus ~ Print it! Where do you find it? -Go to the left side of the classroom. -Under Course Home, click on Course Syllabus
Or download from Doc Sharing at the bottom of the list.
How to send Instructor and class members are listed here. Click on the names and then click Add. The chosen names will drop down to this box. Your subject line should begin with the course, section, and your user name. Then add the subject of your message. A sample subject line would be: CS jlee Question on Unit 1 Homework.
Submitting Homework To submit homework, click on the Dropbox tab. Select “Submit an Assignment” and then choose the correct “Submit to Basket.” Naming Conventions: When assignments are submitted, use the correct naming convention for your document. Username-project-unit#.doc jolee-homework-unit1.doc
Dropbox Drop Box is your key to homework submittal and to review returned work with instructor comments….. Note the little paper Icon that shows that the work was submitted correctly. Now, click on it to check it ~ be sure it is what you meant to send.
Homework Expectations Assignments are due by midnight on Tuesday. Try not to wait until the last minute to submit -Plan ahead! -You never know what will prevent you from meeting the deadline
Few Important Tips to Remember Stick to the instructions. Use the templates provided in each Unit. If you have questions, please let me know.
Discussion Expectations Please do not wait until late Tuesday to submit your Discussion Question. We need something to talk about! More about this in a minute!!
Back-up Plan We all experience computer issues from time-to-time -Print out materials at the beginning of the week. -Keep all Professor & Help Desk phone numbers on paper. -Do it now! Create a back-up plan. -Find local places where you can access a computer. - For example, I have a broadband card in case I lose internet access and also know where the local internet cafes are located. -Save your documents often! Buy a USB drive?
Expectations Discussion Questions & Participation
DISCUSSION RULES Requirements for Discussion Question are in each Unit. - At least150-word count for your INTIAL response - At least 50 words when responding to your peers -Use the these as a guideline to be sure that you have included enough information. BEGIN BY Wednesday! Your response to the discussion question should be made no later than Saturday (the third day of each week). Hint: Needed for Unit 1 homework
DISCUSSION Check –Did you answer the question? -It is not uncommon for students to get a little off-track and forget to answer the question asked. Make sure this does not happen to you as it can affect your grade. Suggestion: Type it in Microsoft Word -This gives you time to think it through and to correct errors in spelling and/or grammar, which also can affect your grade. Hint: Needed for Unit 1 homework
PARTICIPATION Respond to two classmates commenting on their response to the discussion question. Hint: Needed for Unit 1 homework
Discussion and Participation go hand-in-hand Post to the discussion board on at least three (3) days during the unit. To do this, make three or more postings during the week by posting your original post and then replying to 2 or more classmates showing *meaningful interaction. *Responses must build on the ideas of others and contribute to the assignment questions or issues and be 7 to 10 sentences or about 150 words in length. Hint: Needed for Unit 1 homework
AGAIN--- meaningful interaction means Responses must build on the ideas of others and contribute to the assignment questions or issues and 7 to 10 sentences or about 150 words in length. Hint: Needed for Unit 1 homework
Expect to earn an “A” for Discussion if… Responses are on topic, original, and contribute to the quality of the discussion. Responses make frequent, informed references to unit material. Responses are clearly written. Substantial original answers to the questions that furthers the work of the class. Typically in the 150 word range or responses meet length requirements as posted in the classroom. Two or more thoughtful responses per discussion question to classmates that advance the discussion. Hint: Needed for Unit 1 homework
Expect to earn an “A” for Discussion if… Be careful of assignment submission dates. Assignments are expected to be submitted on or before the due date. Late submission results in loss of points. I hate to see students lose valuable points because the work was not submitted on time. Too many late submissions can make a big difference in the final grade. Punctuality is very important in the workplace and I know in your chosen field you must be on top of things at all times. Don’t let poor time management or procrastination hurt you. We will study more of this in future units.
Expect to earn an “A” for Discussion if… Be sure to use Microsoft Word spell check before submitting your project. This will show errors in spelling, punctuation, and grammar and how to correct them. I hate to take off points for spelling errors when it is so easy to avoid just by using spell check, and a dictionary-I still have a dictionary next to me, even when grading papers just in case there is a word I am not quite sure of...it happens! I actually suggest that even for your Discussion Board, that you first type it in Word, and then cut and paste it into your Discussion Board topic area.
Unit 1 Deliverables So what is due in Week 1?
Week 1 Discussion and Participation Introduce yourself Be sure to include the following… In your introduction, be sure to include at least the following information: Your name What is your career goal? Are you engaged in this occupation now, or are you making a change by going back to school? What is your most important reason for going back to school? What is the one strength you bring to college you know will help you succeed at Kaplan University? What is your greatest fear about taking classes in an online environment? Discussion Respond to the discussion questions listed under Unit 1.
Week 1 Reading Be sure to read everything. Click the arrows and make sure that you read every page
Discussion There are 2 parts to Week 1 discussion 1.Introduce yourself 2.2. Answer one or more of the questions listed. Click the Respond link to add your first discussion response.
Assignment On page THREE of the Assignment tab you will find the instructions for this week’s assignment. On page FOUR you will find instructions for how to submit (in case you forgot) =0) FIND PAGE #’S HERE
Where is the Academic Success Page? Hint: Needed for Unit 1 homework
SYLLABUS HOLDS ANSWERS TO -Grading scale -Course Policies -Naming conventions -Acceptable Extenuating Circumstances -Early discussion Policy -Early Project Submission -Online Communication Guidelines -Some general discussion and participation Guidelines -Kaplan University Policies Hint: You will use the Syllabus for the Unit 1 homework
Kaplan University Polices The SYLLABUS HOLDS ANSWERS TO THESE POLICIES -Online Attendance/Tardiness -Late Work -Plagiarism -Including the sanctions for this type of offense
Syllabus continued DON’T FORGET THAT KAPLAN OFFERS TUTORING! See Syllabus for details
More Hints Don’t forget to rename the document as YourName-CS119 -Unit 1- Project -i.e. Joanielee-CS119-Unit1-Project BEFORE you begin to type in the information YOU MUST HAVE MICROSOFT WORD -.doc or.docx (.rtf is an alternative) Microsoft Word Works is NOT Microsoft WORD.wps
Scott works in as a nursing assistant at a local long term care facility. He has recently returned to school to complete his Health Care degree. He has a wife, a teenager daughter in high school, a full- time job, and is the resident tennis coach for his homeowner’s association. Due to his busy schedule, Scott has decided to take classes online so he will be able to do his schoolwork from home. Scott is very nervous about his first online class, and, in particular, how he will navigate the online platform. He has plenty of experience surfing the Web and sending s to his friends, but he is not sure that he will be able to effectively find everything he needs to be successful in his new virtual school.
How can you help Scott feel more comfortable as he begins his educational journey at Kaplan University? What information is vital to Scott’s successful completion of an online degree?
Final Comments I encourage you to use this first week as an opportunity to really familiarize yourself with the Kaplan platform and your fellow classmates. I am looking forward to getting to know each of you and helping you reach one step closer to attaining your degree. I want you all to know that I really do want EACH one of you to SUCCEED in this course and here at Kaplan as well. I will do everything in my power to help make this a productive and successful term for you. YOU must do your part here by working hard and making sure to COMMUNICATE with me on an ongoing basis. If you need my help, ask for it. I can’t help you if I don’t know what you need.
Week 1 Seminar The first 2 weeks may seem like you are going crazy. Be sure to contact me with any questions. I will help you to ease the confusion as much as possible. Or AIM_Petra4Kaplan
Questions? Any questions regarding the material covered today? Note: ALL of the information we have covered here is covered in the course syllabus and/or in the documents located in the Course Home area of the course.
Great Work Tonight! I will see you on the Discussion Board!