Collaborate with scientists early in the research process to create standards that support long-term curation
It is becoming increasingly clear that effective and efficient management and reuse of research data will be a key component in the UK knowledge economy in years to come, essential for the efficient conduct of research and its dissemination and use. In recognition of this, there have been many calls for access to science data at national and international levels. Loughborough University, Department of Information Science, JISC- funded Final Report on Cost-Benefits of Data Curation
DATA CURATION PROFILE Witt, Michael, Jacob Carlson, D Scott Brandt, and Melissa H Cragin Constructing Data Curation Profiles. The International Journal of Digital Curation 4, no. 3: Despite the recent increase of interest in data curation, defined in general terms by Lord, Macdonald, Lyon & Giaretta as “managing and promoting the use of data” (2004), very few tools exist regarding its learning and practice.
Data Curation Profiles A tool that can be used to provide a foundational base of information about a particular set of data that may be curated by an academic library or other institution. Contain two types of information: Information about the data set itself, including its current lifecycle, purpose, forms, and perceived value. Information regarding a researcher’s needs for the data including how and when the data should be made accessible to others, what documentation and description for the data are needed, and details regarding the need for the preservation of the data.
DATA CURATION PROFILE Key Elements of the Data Curation Profile: Attempts to represent the perspective of the researcher or research group, rather than those of the data curator, librarian, archivist, etc. The information needed to generate/create a Data Curation Profile is primarily gathered through conducting interviews with the lead researcher and/or other research personnel working on a particular research project.
DATA CURATION PROFILE What can a Data Curation Profile be used for? Provides a structure for conducting a data interview between an information professional and a researcher or research group. Provides a means for a researcher or a research group to thoughtfully consider their needs for their data beyond its immediate use. Can serve as a foundational document to guide the management and/or curation of a particular data set. Can be shared with staff providing data services and others to inform them and ensure that everyone is on the same page. May be used to inform the development of data services to be offered by the institution, as well as to help to identify the types of tools, infrastructure and responsibilities for data services staff. May be used by others as a guide in developing data services at their own institutions. May be used as objects of research to further a better understanding of data types researchers want or need to share, curate or preserve, and the needs of researchers in doing so.
DATA CURATION PROFILE A completed Data Curation Profile will contain two types of information about a data set: 1.Information about the data set itself, including its current lifecycle, purpose, forms, and perceived value. 2.Information regarding a researcher’s needs for the data including how and when the data should be made accessible to others, what documentation and description for the data are needed, and details regarding the need for the preservation of the data.
DCP Exercise “Reverse engineer” a completed data curation profile. 1.Organize into groups of 3 2.Assign roles: info professional and 2 scientists (interviewee) 3.Info Professional – Interviewer’s Handbook and worksheet 4.Scientists – Data Curation Profile: Atmospheric Modeling and the table in the user guide (page 13) 5.Info professionals: skip the background question and start with module 1. You should record all content for this exercise. When you start a new module, let the scientist know so they can keep up.