Jubilee Year of Mercy Mercy that Lives the Gospel
During his homily for a Lenten penitential service, Pope Francis announced an extraordinary Jubilee to start at the end of the year, which will be dedicated to a theme close to the pontiff’s heart: mercy. “It's a journey that starts with a spiritual conversion. For this reason I have decided to declare an Extraordinary Jubilee that has the mercy of God at its center.”
Opening Song Open the Eyes of My Heart ~Paul Baloche ( All Are Welcome ~Marty Haugen ( The Anthem ~Tony Conry ( eoVBY1Yw) eoVBY1Yw
Sign of Faith
Opening Prayer Lord Jesus, you called Zacchaeus by his name and enabled him to grow. I ask you to enter my life in a new way this day that I may grow in stature and wisdom and grace as the person you call me to be. Inspire me to follow you more closely and help me to live in such a way that I encourage others and bring life to them. No one is small in your eyes; let no one be small in mine. +Amen.
Scripture Zacchaeus, Luke 19: 1-10 Leader: A reading from the gospel according to Luke, “Today salivation has come to this house, for the Son of Man came to seek out and to save the lost.” Leader: The Gospel of the Lord. All: Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ
Reflection What does Jesus’ example teach us to do?
Closing Prayer Lord almighty, You chose to share a meal with The ones whom others shunned. Help us to recognize that, You love all people. Help us to learn from your example. We ask this in Your name. +Amen.
Sign of Faith
Closing Song We are Called ~David Haas ( You are the Voice ~David Haas ( The Summons ~John Bell (