As Published on the Zoloft Birth Defects WebsiteZoloft Birth Defects
The use of antidepressants became popular in the last decade, during which consumer patronage and acceptance was reflected in frequent prescriptions. This boom may have been attributed to the increasing public awareness on the need for medications in dealing with severe low moods. Depression became bearable for most people because of antidepressants.
Yet like any medication, there is a negative aspect to it. One of the main concerns is the birth defects. Increased risks for lung problems were seen in babies born from women who were using antidepressants while they were pregnant.
Each person may react differently to the drug. Any consumer will be unable to know what side effects would be experienced, unless he or she takes the drug. Side effects that were often seen in Zoloft were already identified. As seen in the result of most patient surveys, nausea is the most common side effect of Zoloft, affecting 30 percent of the users. Another 28 percent of the users reported having trouble falling into sleep. For some men and women who are watching their weight, the added pounds is not something they would want to have.
Negative impact on sexual performance happens in 19 percent of Zoloft users. During clinical studies, decreased sexual drive, failure to ejaculate and impotence were seen. Using Zoloft made men and women experience dry mouth. Frequent fatigue was also a problem. Tremors or shakiness are also seen in some patients. The usual length for the side effects would be two weeks, though in some cases may extend up to a month. Though in some instances, the side effects would continue for the whole period that the drug was taken. Medical researches are being done to know if there are any long-term side effects in Zoloft.
Some users who were not so lucky have experienced severe side effects. Feelings of aggression, changes in behavior and hostility were reported, most psychiatrists say. Other age groups have less suicidal thoughts than those who were 25 and below. Most therapists keep an eye on their Zoloft-using patients who are younger than 25. Collective efforts from loved ones and health care providers would definitely help in avoiding occurrences of suicide. Zoloft side effects may help in tracking the progress of treatment, most doctors encourage their patients to report them.Zoloft side effects