Evidence-Informed Policy Making Module 4 Communicating Evidence [DATE & LOCATION HERE]
What will be covered in this module? TOPIC 1 Know your audience TOPIC 2 Designing effective messages TOPIC 3 Developing effective written communications Optional Topic B: Oral communications Optional Topic B: Infographics, multimedia and data visualisation
Internal audiences for EIPM Source: Politics and Ideas 4 Decision making level Type of information Political actors A)Results and impacts of interventions they support. Require indicators that account for advances in certain areas under their influence. B)Design and implementation alternatives when approaching a new policy. Comparative evidence may be required in these cases. C)Info. about budget execution. D)Trends as regards govt. image, their own image and that of their potential competitors among electorate. They set the boundaries within which the strategic actors work, and enable them to act within these boundaries. Strategic actors A)Info. related to plans and programs functioning. B)Elements that allow them to innovate as regards specific programs. C)Elements that allow them to innovate at admin. level: monitoring and assessment, info. systems, etc. D)Diagnoses about different situations that allow visualizing public policy problems E)Info. to justify new courses of action before different players of the political community They process and communicate part of this info. to political actors as well as inform the operating actors about what needs to be done Operating actors A)They are in charge of collecting and systematizing the info. on indicators from projects developed within their area. B)They collect info. that allows justifying new courses of action. They process and communicate part of this info. to strategic actors.
Infographics Checklist 5 Check list √ Have you double-checked the data is correct? √ Does someone else understand the infographic without prior explanation? √ Is the design easy to follow? √ Would additional context help improve the story? √ Does the title frame the content correctly? √ Is the story presented self-contained? Source: internal ODI Infographic guide
‘ Evidence-informed policy is that which has considered a broad range of research evidence; it considers other factors such as political realities and public debates. It is not exclusively based on research. In some cases, research evidence may be considered and rejected.’ Source: Authors based on (Newman, Fisher, & Shaxson, 2012)
Further Resources Extensive online resource on preparing evidence based policy briefs: Hans Rosling’s TED talk on data, using innovative visualisations: and see GapMinder here: www.gapminder.org The Atlas of Economic Prosperity is a tool developed by Harvard which allows you to view graphs of economic data for any country in the world: Resources on plagiarism: How to Give a Science Flashtalk guide.html guide.html 7