Theodore Papazoglou ERC/European Commission RTD, Directorate S Fax ERC Funding Actions/Grant Agreement Modalities ERC Information Day, The Swedish Research Council, 22/02/07
European Research Council │ 2 ERC Grant Schemes Two grant schemes are available: 1.ERC Starting Independent Researcher Grant scheme (ERC Starting Grant) 1 st call for proposals published, deadline 25 April ERC Advanced Investigator Researcher Grant scheme (ERC Advanced Grant) 1 st call for proposals published later in 2007
European Research Council │ 3 ERC Advanced Grant (ERC Advanced Investigator Researcher Grant) Designed to support excellent investigator-initiated research projects by established independent research leaders Complement the ERC Starting Grant scheme by targeting researchers who have already established their independence as team leaders ~100’ ’000 Euro per grant per year for up to 5 years, i.e. ~500’000-2’500’000 Euro per grant ~ € 600M per call (~⅔ of ERC annual budget, annual calls) ~ 300 Advanced Grants per year
European Research Council │ 4 ERC Starting Grant (ERC Starting Independent Researcher Grant ) support researchers at the start of their independent research career and establishment of their first independent research team or first research programme provide a structure for transition from working under a supervisor to an independent research leader ~100’000 – 400’000 Euro per grant per year for up to 5 years, i.e. ~500’000-2’000’000 Euro per Grant ~ €300M per call (~ ⅓ of ERC annual budget, annual calls) ~200 Starting Grants per year, ~1400 Starting Grants over 7 years of FP7 ( )
European Research Council │ 5 Individual Research Teams: headed by a single “Principal Investigator” (team leader) of any nationality if necessary, including additional team members. The “Principal Investigator” has the freedom to choose the research topic and the power to assemble his/her research team meeting the needs of the project. Teams can be of national or trans-national character. Who can apply ? Individual Teams
European Research Council │ 6 Who can apply? European and International Teams Ideas (ERC specific programme) encourages participation of researchers from European and non-European countries Level of participation varies with regard to roles and funding Roles: Principal Investigator + hosting organisation Can be of any nationality But: PI’s host organisation needs to be established in EU Member States or Associated Countries, or be a international European Interest Organisations (such as CERN, EMBL, etc.) or the JRC Team Members Can be of any nationality and established in almost any country International Cooperation Partner Countries (ICPC) Industrialised Countries, e.g. Australia, Canada, Japan, USA
European Research Council │ 7 ERC Grants ERC Grants Key Principles Financially Attractive to attract the very best researchers Flexible in application Easy to adjust during execution Portability Administration simple and transparent Preparation of grant agreements without “negotiations” Short annual reports plus detailed final report
European Research Council │ 8 ERC Grant Agreement Concept Agreement between ERC and Principal Investigator’s (PI’s) hosting organisation (beneficiary) Rights/obligations on scientific, financial, ethical conduct and monitoring, eligible costs, IPR, modifications, grant portability Supplementary Agreement between PI and its hosting organisation Rights/obligations: administration, project execution, IPR Single grant holder approach PI and members from same organisation But: multi-partner/multi-national teams are possible There will be no “project negotiations” Grant agreement based on the proposal and the peer review decision (budget) PI can accept/reject the offered grant
European Research Council │ 9 ERC Grant Agreement Main Elements Core Grant Agreement (between ERC and hosting organisation) Description of work (Annex I to the Grant Agreement) General Conditions (Annex II to the Grant Agreement) Supplementary Agreement (between PI and hosting organisation) Accession Form (if more than one hosting organisation - Annex III) Special clause (if more than one hosting organisation for team members)
European Research Council │ 10 ERC Grant Agreement ERC Grant Agreement ERC Grant Agreement Supplementary Agreement Supplementary Agreement Amendment Accession forms Amendment
European Research Council │ 11 Core grant Article 2: Principal Investigator (PI) Reference to supplementary agreement between the PI and the beneficiary hosting and engaging him / her; Supplementary agreement lists the main points establishing the relations between the PI and the beneficiary. Article 4: Reporting Parallel streams for the scientific reporting and the financial management reporting. Annex I Description of work (including financial information): based on the proposal text taking up the results of the evaluation. ERC Grant Agreement Structure Annex II Article II.2: Specific performance obligations of the principal investigator Article II.3: Specific performance obligations of the beneficiary Article II.4: Reports Article II.15: Identification of direct and indirect costs Article II.16: Upper funding limits Annex III ERC Accession form for other beneficiaries. Annex IV Financial statement form Annex V Terms of reference for the certification of costs and on the methodology. For activities supported by frontier research actions, the Community contribution may reach a maximum of 100% of the total eligible costs. The indirect costs will be: limited, for a beneficiary which is able to identify its indirect costs to a maximum of 20% of the total eligible direct costs (excluding the eligible direct costs for subcontracting or reimbursement of third parties’ costs); alternatively, a beneficiary which is unable to identify its indirect costs may opt for a 20% flat rate of the total eligible direct costs (excluding the eligible direct costs for subcontracting or reimbursement of third parties’ costs).
European Research Council │ 12 Specific text of “Call for Proposal” ERC Work Programme 2007 ERC Guide for Applicants ERC Grant agreement Other: ERC Guide for Grant Holders ERC Guide for Peer Reviewers ERC Rules on submission, evaluation, selection and award procedures Documentation
European Research Council │ 13 Applicants Services ERC National Contact Points inform, raise awareness and provide advice on ERC funding opportunities, application, follow-up ERC helpdesk support to ERC NCPs EPSS helpdesk technical support on electronic proposal submission ERC website: News Alert, Publicity Material
European Research Council │ 14 Thank you !