Coordination and Policy Development in Preparation for a European Open Biodiversity Knowledge Management System Supported by the European Commission through its FP7 research funding programme pro-iBiopshere
WP3: Scientific content and workflow coordination: Progress Walter Berendsohn Dept. of Research and Biodiversity Informatics Pro-iBiosphere Management meeting, 15 February 2013, Leiden
WP3 – Person months & Budget Naturalis5.0 NBGB0.5 FUB-BGBM Review Month 6: Person months used 2,23 PM Budget used EUR 11.0 Pensoft3.0 RBGK1.0 Plazi4.0 MfN5.0
Task 3.1 MS 10 Task 3.1 MS10: Workshop on data curation and acquisition of Floras and Faunas (14th February 2013) Expected results of the workshop: Identify and promote good practices for entering new field data and collaboratively writing of taxonomic treatments Standardized editorial policies How to address IPR management
Task 3.1 MS 10 Task 3.1 MS10: Preliminary results: need for more awareness and accessibility of floras no links, no value? Citations, annotations, DoIs vs. LSIDs – maintaining links conserves knowledge – crowd involvement in restricted tasks needs to be attractive and rewarding – who and where are the users (multi-lingual services) ? Establish a persistent, stable and trustful system Convince & educate publishers & (isolated) editors to change editorial practices – Guidelines for publishing – Provide vocabularies in e-tools ( authors are inconsistent & language complex) – Define and monitor data quality Custom mark-up schemas can be faster for some Floras – Complete automation not possible
Task 3.2 Task 3.2 MS 11: Workshop on semantic mark-up generation, data quality and user-participation infrastructure (13 th February 2013) Expected results: Define the road ahead on the field of semantic mark-up, data quality and user-participation infrastructure Generation of semantic mark-up in respective document collections (i.e. recognition of treatment boundaries, of feature descriptions and of other characteristics of species)
Task 3.2 Task 3.2 MS 11: Workshop on semantic mark-up generation, data quality and user-participation infrastructure (13 th February 2013) Open content is reusable/accessible content (one more reason for public funding) – Define what is open what is not – Stop backlock now, by publishing new papers online Solutions? – Software collaboration; Duplicity = innovation? Versions – Repositories synchronization avoids duplication, gives consistency – Fear of being eaten-up prevents collaboration – Single-purpose tool kept persistently – Share data store – Network of trust (ID system for entering records) Educate and promote tools among taxonomists – Expert input; review and report on data Need institutional & governmental commitments Publishing guidelines: – publisher scoring system – mark-up core info to connect data: occurrence, name, time, description, history, institution stored) – Include name recognition in PWT or Excel – Separate names & taxonomy – include DOIs – Focus on use cases – Align concepts, how to visualize? External input for knowledge management and business model
Task 3.3 Task 3.3 Semantic integration of biodiversity literature Expected results: Road Map for Milestone 12: Workshop on mark-up of biodiversity literature (Berlin, February 2014) Outlook: Integration with Pilots established in WP 4 May 2013: End of mark-up activities Reports Dec 2013 and April 2014