WP6 - Evaluation GA Meeting 14 June 2013. Introduction Areas to cover: –Evaluation expert group –Collection of 12 month monitoring data –Update from JPI.


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Presentation transcript:

WP6 - Evaluation GA Meeting 14 June 2013

Introduction Areas to cover: –Evaluation expert group –Collection of 12 month monitoring data –Update from JPI CO-WORK evaluation meeting 11 June

Evaluation Expert Group Small group to advise on development of Type B indicators and external evaluation Initial meeting on 20 June to cover: –background to the JPI & J-AGE –WP6 work plan –role and membership of group –discussion of monitoring questionnaire –Further indicator development and external evaluation

Evaluation Expert Group Members so far: –Wendy Loretto, University of Edinburgh, UK –Annette Boaz - St. George's, University of London –Ismael Rafols, Polytech Univ. of Valencia, Spain and Sussex University, UK Nominations from the GA: –Patrizio Pasqualetti, Fatebenefratelli Hospital, Rome –Rocio Fernandez-Ballesteros, Autonomous University Madrid

Collection of Monitoring Data Month 12 Report against Type A indicators A1- 10 (input, process and output) Delivery for GA Sept 2013 Data Collection via: –Questionnaire –minutes of GA, ‘fast-track’ working groups, SOAB & SAB –J-AGE annual report

Collection of Monitoring Data Questionnaire: –Comparability with other JPIs - based on JPND but adjusted for different stage in process –Questionnaire will be sent to the GA for comments on content next week – ed to all GA members w/c 24 June for completion – deadline

Working with other JPIs Desire for as much harmonisation as possible Rationale for collaborating – avoids duplication, increases comparability, allows pooling of expertise Meeting 11 June organised by JPI CO-WORK All 10 JPIs interested in potentially collaborating on evaluation

Working with other JPIs Areas where we might collaborate: –Indicators that might be included in evaluation of any JPI –Harmonising core data collection –Commissioning data collection/analysis

Working with other JPIs Impact on JPI MYBL: –Should we delay development of further indicators and plans for evaluation in order to harmonise and work together with other JPIs (timetable to be set out by CO-WORK)? –Delaying WP6 deliverables - CO-WORK project officer happy that a case could be made (CSA is to facilitate JPI – JPI not a slave to the CSA) –May need to harmonise data collection

Working with other JPIs Q’s for GA – are we willing to: –Collaborate with other JPIs on a set of core indicators (monitoring and evaluation)? –Put data collection mechanisms in place now to facilitate a harmonised approach to evaluation? –Collaborate with other JPIs in outsourcing some aspects of evaluation? Letter to go to Chair (from CO-WORK) to set out above questions

Suggested recommendation for GA Proceed with monitoring progress against current indicators Hold initial meeting of evaluation expert group to inform ongoing work and discussions – subsequent meetings to inform collaborative discussions with other JPIs Recommend delaying further indicator development in order to collaborate as far as possible with other JPIs