SERVICES FOR YOUNG PEOPLE Andy Ritchie Area Manager for Boldon Colliery, Hebburn and Jarrow
SERVICE REVIEW SERVICES FOR YOUNG PEOPLE Youth Service Connexions Education Welfare Extended Services and Particip8
OBJECTIVES AND TARGETS Safe and Healthy Reduce Teenage Pregnancy Reduce Teenage LAC (13-19) Enjoying School and Progressing Well Reduce School Exclusions Reduce Persistent School Absence
OBJECTIVES AND TARGETS Making a Positive Contribution Reduce year old NEET Reduce First Time Entrants into Youth Justice System Reduce Re-Offending Reduce Custodial Sentences Increase Participation in Positive Activities
HOW THE SERVICE WORKS 4 Teams; 3 allocated to Community Area Forums 1 Specialist Team which works across the borough and comprises of the Youth Offending Service, Matrix, Special Educational Needs and Leaving Care
THE ROLE OF THE LEAD 1:1’s with identified / targeted young people Group Work in Schools Holistically assessing and implementing mutually agreed tailored support
THE ROLE OF THE LEAD Information, Advice and Guidance Addressing Attendance Attending Year 9 / 11 Transition Reviews Attendance at Parents Evenings and Transition Events
YOUTH PROVISION IN Boldon and Jarrow Boldon Village Hall Mobile Youth Bus Sessions; Boldon Hedworth Detached Project Jarrow Pavilion Phab Club
DARKER NIGHTS UPDATE Over 120 yp attended a Climb and Bike Ride at Simonside Over 120 yp attended a 5-a-side Football Tournament at Temple Park Over 70 yp attended a 10-pin Bowling Tournament at ‘The Dunes’ Other Borough-wide themed nights