The need of cross border cooperation in the case of epizootic diseases, surveillance and emergency measures: in the case of an emergency and in peace time!


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Presentation transcript:

The need of cross border cooperation in the case of epizootic diseases, surveillance and emergency measures: in the case of an emergency and in peace time! Ulrich Herzog CVO-Austria Federal Ministry of Health

Content General comments –Europe –Trade Examples of cross border cooperation in Austria –in peace time –in case of an emergency Potential areas of cross border cooperation Conclusions

Content General comments –Europe –Trade Examples of cross border cooperation in Austria –in peace time –in case of an emergency Potential areas of cross border cooperation Conclusions

Europe Area 10,180,000 km 2 (6,8%) Population 731,000,000 (2009) (11,5%) Pop. density 70/km 2 Countries 50 Languages

EU - Trade Certificates – Intra community trade – Animal product entries –4.000 Animal entries PER MONTH The number of certificates does not reflect tonnage or the quantity of animals in transit in the EU. Source: EU / DG Sanco

Content General comments –Europe –Trade Examples of cross border cooperation in Austria –in peace time –in case of an emergency Potential areas of cross border cooperation Conclusions

Examples Austria - peace time Research / EMIDA Surveillance Grazing in alpine areas Real time training

Research / Surveillance ERANET – EMIDA –12 different research projects –e.g. AUT, Bavaria, CH, Italy TBC – wildlife Total amount 1.3 Mio Euro AUT Euro Surveillance –Wildlife surveillance Rabies –Vector borne disease Bt Surveillance

Reaserch in Austria network coordination IVPH  Institut Veterinary Public Health Management office

Rabies – AUT, I, SLO Austria is free of rabies (Sept. 2009). Vaccination in the south of Austria. Vaccination programs in all other south - eastern neighbouring countries Rabies Cases in Italy –2008 (8); 2009 (68); 2010 (60) What was important : –information sharing –communication

Bluetongue – Cooperation with Italy Surveillance design was developed in cooperation with Italy. Information sharing during the vaccination period. Bilateral agreement

Movement control / Training Movement control in alpine areas –Traditional way of grazing in alpine areas Real time training –Austria, Germany, Liechtenstein, Switzerland –Picorna 04 –Picorna 09

Grazing in alpine areas Mid of September until end of May: The animals are kept in stables in the valley June until mid of July: The animals are kept at a sea level around 1300 meters. Mid of July until mid of September: The animals are kept at a mountain pasture above 1600 meters. That´s the traditional way of grazing in the western provinces of Austria.

Grazing in alpine areas Grazing areas are across the border –e.g. a German farmer is owner of an mountain pasture in Austria and vice versa. Different animal health status –e.g. IBR/IPV Status, BVD – Program in Austria –BT- Vaccination-program was different between Austria and South Tyrol What is to do? –Find an agreement – how does it works? Special agreements –Meeting in January / February each year –Discuss the animal health situation of all partner regions

Content of the bilateral agreements Geographical definition Animal category Animal health status –intra community trade rules –Special conditions additional BVD, parasitic diseases etc. Measures in case of an disease outbreak Responsible authorities

Training: PICORNA 09 Real time exercise: 3 rd to 5 th of June 2009 Austria Germany Switzerland Liechtenstein FMD- real time exercise: 1 st : nd : rd : 2009

Picorna 09

Cooperation – Picorna 09 5 special workshops (March - May 2009) –Personal emergency equipment (Baden Württemberg) –Crises communications (AUT) –Killing animals – ethical aspects (CH) –FMD clinic, sampling, epidemiology and hygiene (Bavaria) –VIS (database) – Training (AUT) Trainer / Observer during the exercise Evaluation of the real time training

Examples Austria – emergency cases Avian Influenza H5N1 Bluetongue – Communication

Avian Influenza (H5N1) Wild birds / swan 1 st restriction zone because of a case in Slovenia Weekend 11/12 Feb What was important: –To know contact details –To share information very quickly and complete –

Communication BT – Vaccination Campaign –Vaccination – denier Groups which gainsay the existence of virus Organic producer Consumer organisation –“bad news are good news” Internet – platform of the public opinion –We didn´t expect this discussion; we wasn´t prepared; –Information sharing between groups in Germany, Switzerland and Austria

Content General comments –Europe –Trade Examples of cross border cooperation in Austria –in peace time –in case of an emergency Potential areas of cross border cooperation Conclusions

General aspects Movement Controls –Identification and registration of animals –Establish databases (animals and movements) Border inspection To gain access to the market in case of disease outbreaks –Zoning and regionalisation –Compartmentalisation

Strengthen Prevention Real-time training –Cross border scenarios –Observer / Trainer Surveillance Network –establishing common surveillance systems –coordinate private quality management / biosecurity systems on farm level –to build regional diagnostic lab-networks up –Compartmentalisation

Communication / Information Information sharing –Surveillance data –Quick and complete information in the case of an disease outbreak Sharing of experiences –Disease surveillance or eradication Public Information –What is the risk? –How do we communicate disease prevention measures?

Content General comments –Europe –Trade Examples of cross border cooperation in Austria –in peace time –in case of an emergency Potential areas of cross border cooperation Conclusions

Conclusion I Structural change in agro- and food business will progress in the next years. –This development will strengthen the integration of farming and food producing systems in whole Europe. Cross border cooperation is important for small states –Economic interests of the agro- and food industries influence the trade with live animals and animal products. Animal and animal product movements will increase. –The risk of the spread of dangerous disease will be higher.

Conclusion II Vector borne diseases and exotic diseases become more and more important. –Animal diseases don´t respect borders –In case of a disease outbreak, it is important to have available reliable information of the involved states. Cross border cooperation should not be limited to authorities. It is important to build a network of universities and authorities on federal and local level. The stakeholder should be involved for better understanding of the situation and the needs.

Conclusion III Cross border cooperation has to grow. – Ad the beginning it has to be organized in a very informal way. – Later should exist a technical structure to manage the cooperation. The most important tool is to use meetings of CVO´s or delegates – OIE on global and regional level, – EU: On council / and Commission level – Expert – working groups – Regional meetings e.g. AUT, CZ, SLO, SK, HU, RO, BG – Veterinary Forum South East Europe – EUFMD