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Minerals Mineral Identification Mineral Identification II Uses of Minerals
How many minerals are there on Earth? A 100
4000 A 100
All minerals share how many properties? A 200
How many crystal systems are there? A 300
What two ways can crystals form? A 400
From dried magma and from evaporated solutions A 400
What is the one most common element found in Earth’s crust? A 500
Oxygen A 500
What is the easiest way to recognize a mineral? B 100
Appearance (color, shape) B 100
A measure of how easy a mineral is to scratch is called what? B 200
Hardness B 200
What scientist came up with the scale of hardness? B 300
Friedrich Mohs B 300
What is the softest mineral on Mohs scale? B 400
Talc B 400
What is the hardest mineral on Mohs scale? B 500
Diamond B 500
The way a mineral reflects light is called what? C 100
Luster C 100
What two types of luster are there? C 200
Metallic and non-metallic C 200
The color of a mineral in its powder form is called what? C 300
Streak C 300
What is specific gravity of a mineral? C 400
The ratio of the mineral weight compared with an equal volume of water. C 400
When a mineral breaks into layers that are smooth and flat it is said to have what? C 500
Cleavage C 500
Gems come from what? D 100
Minerals D 100
The largest diamond in the World is called what? D 200
The Cullinan Diamond D 200
Rubies are used to help make what? D 300
Laser light D 300
Aluminum can be extracted from Bauxite by using what process? D 400
Smelting D 400
A mineral that has a substance that can be extracted for profit is called what? D 500
An Ore D 500
Question Number One E E 100
Correct Response One E E 100
Question Number Two E E 200
Correct Response Two E E 200
Question Number Three E E 300
Correct Response Three E E 300
Question Number Four E E 400
Correct Response Four E E 400
Question Number Five E E 500
Correct Response Five E E 500
The classification of Mammals with pouches F 100
What are Maruspials? F 100
This second largest bird in the world is native to Australia F 200
What is the ostrich? F 200
Australia’s wild dogs F 300
What are dingos? F 300
This Australian island is the home of a devil and a wolf F 400
What is Tasmania? F 400
Although the National Bird of New Zealand, it is also indigenous to Australia F 500
What is the Kiwi? F 500
The Final Jeopardy Category is: Mineral Identification Please record your wager. Click on screen to begin
What are the 6 ways that you can identify a mineral? Click on screen to continue
1.Hardness 2.Luster 3.Appearance 4.Streak 5.Cleavage/Fracture 6.Specific Gravity Click on screen to continue
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