The variety of life in the world or in a particular habitat or ecosystem is called…
Which ecosystem has greater biodiversity? a) desert b) deciduous forest c) tropical forest d) taiga
The spread of humans into natural habitats decreases …
When you, your family, neighborhood, cities, towns, and nations practice conservation, they preserve…
A Living thing
Once living
Shows the direction of the flow of energy through an ecosystem, web or chain
Which biome below has the widest base for its energy pyramid? desert, tropical rain forest, taiga
In the next slide, identify 3 primary consumers.
Name the three types of interactions among living things.
Identify which one of the three types of interactions, the primary consumers exhibit in the next slide.
On the next slide, identify the limiting factor or Factors.
Amount of rainfall, disease, birth rate, death rate, competition for shared resources, predator /prey relationship.
One reason the wolf population grew so large is…
Another reason the wolf population grew so large is…
She wrote Silent Spring a book about pesticides and their affect on our environment.
Founder of the first US Earth Day
High birth rate and low death rate Does this to a population.
Low birth rate and high death rate does this to a population
Do you agree or disagree with the statement in the next frame.
Cutting trees and clearing forests and natural habitat to build homes (urban sprawl) has a positive affect on the environment that humans move into.
When resources are plentiful, birth rate is… and death rate is…
The law that regulates how much pollution is discharged into our waters. CWA
When pollutants are passed up the food chain, the pollutants become more and more concentrated to higher and higher levels. This is called…
Water, oxygen, carbon dioxide, sunshine, temperature, soil, wind
A new species is introduced to an area. It has no enemies. It produces thousands of eggs per year. It outcompetes the other natural species in the environment for resources. (Question is on next slide).
What will eventually happen to the native species in that area?
What is the name given to a species that is not natural to an area and takes it over?
Three conditions that allow an invasive species to be a successful invader.
When resources are low death rate is… And birth rate …
He was an environmental activist and Co-Founder of the first US Earth Day. He organized the First world Wide Earth Day and became an advocate for solar energy.
Eats only meat
A relationship between species where one species benefits while the other does not but it is not harmed.
A relationship between species where both benefit.
The symbiotic relationship below is an example of… tick mosquito dog
A set of laws passed to protect the air that we breath from becoming too polluted.
The government agency responsible for keeping track of the amount of pollution that is released into our waters and our air and reporting it.