Unit19 Modern Agriculture
What is each paragraph about? Para.1 About_____________ Para.2 About________________ Para.3 About________________ Jia Sixie Qi Min Yao Shu Jia Sixie’s advice
Jia Sixie: Lived in:_________________________ Was born in:______________________ Spent his time on:_________________ _________________________________ ___________________ the sixth century Yidu, Shandong province research into agriculture (collected…, studied…, did…, learned from…)
Qi Min Yao Shu: About:___________________________ Includes advice on: ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ both farming and gardening growing green vegetables and fruit trees keeping cows and fish in lakes making wine
Jia Sixie’s Advice: 1.do things________________________ 2.________the soil if not good 3._______ground before sowing 4._______weeds 5._______the soil 6._______the crops in the fields 7.wheat is planted _______________ 8.Grow different plants______________ ________________________________ ________ploughing at the right time of the year improve clean remove plough autumn spring change close together next to each other in the same field
Discussion: Imagine you have a vegetable garden and you want to grow beans, cabbage,onions, tomatoes and sunflowers. Write a plan for your vegetable garden. What will you do in the following periods of the year? November; March; April; May~September; July~ October
November: Plough the land deeply for the first time March: Remove the weeds and plough the land less deeply for the second time. Clean the rough ground April: sow the seeds; grow different plants next to each other May~September: water the plants, put fertilizer on the soil and remove weeds regularly July~ October: harvest the crops
Work in groups of four and find any farmers’ proverbs and sayings in China or in the place where you live. Try to explain them in English. Group work
▲ be useful for ▲ spent his time on research into agriculture ▲ a practical guide to farming ▲ at the right/correct of the year ▲ go against nature ▲ year after year ▲ next to
1. 这本书对英语学习有用。 2. 他把业余的时间都花在车上。 3. 他们违背了我们的意愿。 This book is useful for English study. He spent all his spare time on the car. They went against our wishes.
4. 我们每年都到那个地方度假。 5. 比尔旁边的那个人正在和他用西班牙 语交谈。 We have been to that place for a holiday year after year. The man next to Bill was talking to him in Spanish.
Homework 1. Read the passage again and find any language points you think difficult. 2. Try to translate the Chinese farmers’ proverbs and sayings into English.