CHAPTER OBJECTIVES Define Labor relations. Understand the impact of unions on a firm ’ s competitive advantage. Identify some problems existing in labor relations. Describe the provisions of the major labor laws. Identify labor management.
一、 BRIEF INTRODUCTION TO LABOR RELATIONS 1. Definition ( 劳动关系含义 ) Labor Relations refer to the relations to be established between employers and laborers in the course of work.
Implications Be a Member State bodies, Enterprises, Institutions and sole owners To be established in the course of work. Rights and obligations enforced by the laws and regulations
2.Key Elements( 劳动关系的要素) Subject : employers, laborers, the Unions & the staff ’ s representative assembly Content : rights & Obligations Object: a ) Working hours b ) Compensations c ) Benefits & Insurance d) Safety &Sanitation e) Education & Training f) Work Disputes
二、 CURRENT STATUS OF LRS More and more complicated Work Disputes are increasing Laws and regulations are being perfected The power for the Union is weak
三、CONTENTS OF LRS ( 劳动关系内容 ) Rights and Obligations for the Employers Rights and Obligations for Laborers
Rights and Obligations for the Employers(1) RIGHTS: Balanced against laborers' right on the other hand, the Labor Laws stipulate that employers ( 用人单 位 )deserve such rights as to a. employ , transfer and dismiss their employees b. decide on establishing the organization structure c. appoint and dismiss administrative managers d. set Compensations & benefits scheme e. reward and punish their employees
Rights and Obligations for Employers(1) OBLIGATIONS To protect the legal rights of employees To assign and arrange work to employees To make payment to employees according to both their work quantity and quality To provide education and training programs to employees To improve work conditions and reinforce work protection
Rights and Obligations for empolyees (2) RIGHTS The Labor Laws assume that an employee deserves the right to Work ( 劳动权 ) Rest( 休息权) Be paid (报酬权) Be trained (培训权) Involve in democratic management ( 民主管理 权) enjoy special labor protection (劳动保护权) Enjoying social security ( 社会保险权 ) submitting labor disputes for handling ( 劳动 争议提请处理权 )
Rights and Obligations for empolyees (2) OBLIGATIONS Accomplish production and work tasks and guarantee both quality& quantity Learn knowledge Observe rules and regulations Keep secrets for the country and enterprise
四、 Features of Labor Relations(1) a. When engaged in operation and management, an employee in the organization has enjoyed a dual identity: employee and host because the public ownership ( 公 有制 ) in our country clarifies that means of production ( 生产资料 ) remain with all people.
Features of Labor Relations(2) b. The public ownership clarifies that all employees enjoy equal in status ( 地位平等 ) and no discrimination is allowed to employees because of individual ’ s sex, rank and nationalities ( 民族 )
Features of Labor Relations(3) c. The public ownership clarifies that the socialist principle of distribution is of from each according to his ability to each according to his work.
五、 Labor Laws 第一章 总 则 第二章 劳动合同的订立 第三章 劳动合同的履行和变更 第四章 劳动合同的解除和终止 第五章 特别规定 第六章 监督检查 第七章 法律责任 第八章 附 则