The Effects of Industrialization How did the Industrial Revolution affect society?
Urbanization Growth of cities –Crowded conditions –Jobs in factories –Pollution
Population Increase More food, better health, new medical knowledge, longer life expectancy Urban population especially increases But…urban life expectancy is lower than rural
Working Conditions Child Labor Unsanitary and unsafe work places No labor laws to limit hours a day or age of workers
Child Labor Factories, coal mines, textile mills As young as 4 and 5 years old Worked long hours for very little pay Business owners liked hiring children and women because they worked for less money
Unsanitary and Unsafe Work Places No federal regulation Factories were crowded and dirty Health inspectors were often unconcerned or corrupt Upton Sinclair’s The Jungle
Hours and Wages Workers often worked 14 and 16 hours a day If they complained, they were fired There were no minimum wage laws like we have today Factory owners were concerned with producing as much as possible in as little time as possible
Changes in the Economy Capitalism takes hold Some people become very rich –Industrialists A middle class begins to develop Social protest demands more government involvement in industry Socialism & Communism proposed
Reactions to Industrial Conditions Labor Unions Laws to protect children in the workplace Minimum wage and maximum hour laws Federal safety and health standards
Labor Union Videos end-child-labor#the-fight-to-end-child-laborhttp:// end-child-labor#the-fight-to-end-child-labor day/videos#1930s-gm-sit-down-strikehttp:// day/videos#1930s-gm-sit-down-strike
Education As a result of child labor laws, new laws requiring public education were passed Children of the middle and upper classes had been attending schools throughout this time period
The Industrial Revolution GOOD OR BAD???